Carson Fundraises Off Flap Over His Break From Campaign, Blames CNN – IOTW Report

Carson Fundraises Off Flap Over His Break From Campaign, Blames CNN

LonelyConservative: Now Ben Carson is using the flap over his returning home for some “fresh clothes” after Iowa into a fundraising plea. And you’ll never guess who he is blaming to his supporters. Not Ted Cruz. He’s blaming CNN.

Phil Kerpen followed up with another tweet showing the email Carson sent out.


19 Comments on Carson Fundraises Off Flap Over His Break From Campaign, Blames CNN

  1. Fox is still pushing the lies.
    We don’t even watch news on tv any more.
    We get our news from more reliable, more balanced online sources.
    I shared Levin’s take on the non-controversey so often on Fox fb pages, they reported it as spam.

  2. True, but worse is a turncoat
    “principled conservative”:

    First: do it.

    Second: deny it.

    Third: blame someone else.

    Fourth: hold a holy roller tent revival stunt to reclaim
    appearance of “moral high ground”

    Fifth: take responsibility for and
    apologize for the “misunderstanding”

    Sixth: deny it again.

    Seventh: blame the media.

    Cruz and his defenders sure ACT like Democrats.

  3. Ben Carson will undoubtedly be leaving the nominating race soon unless his poll numbers move up really fast. And what Cruz did to him in IA is shitty.

    Now Cruz’s polling partner, Kellyanne Conway, who owns TPC polling (NY & D.C. offices), and is a president of a Cruz superPAC, has been push polling that asks questions that insert lies about Trump. I looked at TPC’s website this morning and there is a hastily-posted denial that they are working for Cruz, but I don’t believe it. They are using the very same tactics they used against Trump in IA — telling voters that Trump is for things that he is emphatically not.

    Worse than slimy. Cruz = Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.

    I haven’t openly criticized Cruz on this level here because “we’re not supposed to do that”, but this shit has to stop! If if doesn’t, we have zero, ZERO!, chance to change what happens to this country. If Cruz “wins” by using the same tactics as Axelrod did in ’08, he’s telling us that he’s thrown in with the ideology that voters should be abused, ignored and held in contempt; basically, that voters matter only to the extent they can help you get a job or keep your job in D.C. Think about that.

    John Nolte wrote a piece at Breitbart about a week ago about the hypocrisy of conservatives who defended Fox News Channel/News Corp against Trump. His parting shot was, “On top of a long overdue challenge to a DC Media Cabal that has become entirely too powerful, Trump has done us another favor by exposing many on our own side for who they really are.”

    In the same fashion, Cruz has shown us who he is and who his most staunch supporters really are.

  4. Oh, and I just love these freaking headlines that reduce vote fraud and filthy politics to a “flap” over something or other. A purposely vague “flap”.

    And everyone’s worried about Democrats stealing the election. That just blows my mind.

  5. AA, I can’t wait for the next debate. Carson on one side of Cruz, Trump on the other. Carson will eloquently point out what a chicken shit move this was and Trumps going to shove right up a certain orifice.

  6. Exactly right.

    It’s sad to accept that Cruz is – if not a long-term RINO – just another skeezy politician who uses not only Democrat *acts* but also their dismissiveness and “plausible deniability.”

    You don’t need to be a RINO to be beholden to the puppet masters.

    Fits right in with my concerns about – were he to become President – his promotion of the Trans Pacific Trade Deal would f*ck over America like Obama’s “illegal immigration invasion” ON STEROIDS.

    AFTER THAT, you can forget ANYTHING about “conservative priorities” ever again, as our sovereignty will have been diminished and subsumed to a world governance/court system.

  7. Redskin — that is a truly racist sentiment. Obama’s skin color never entered my mind as a disqualification. His using his skin color as a vote getter did. And all the white people who used his skin color as a vote getter are racists, too, so statistically speaking, I’d be more worried about whites who used white guilt and white privilege as a weapon against voters.

  8. Bad Brad — But it’s not going down that way. Media will boost Cruz, they won’t even bring up the question, because at the home stretch they don’t care if it’s Cruz or Rubio at the finish — neither of them can win the GE against clinton or sanders. The media gets what they want, the D.C./NY beltway crowd gets what they want and Americans get to keep paying for it all.

  9. Bad Brad — But it’s not going down that way. Media will boost Cruz, they won’t even bring up the question, because at the home stretch they don’t care if it’s Cruz or Rubio at the finish — neither of them can win the GE against clinton or sanders. The media gets what they want, the D.C./NY beltway crowd gets what they want and Americans get to keep paying for it all.

    P.S. Cruz and Rubio get what they want, too.

  10. AA We’re on the same page with what’s going on here. In my opinion Cruz screwed up. Trump WILL bring this up during the debate and Carson will follow.
    I’ve done business with people who thought God was on their side so F you. The worst business experiences I’ve ever had.

    That’s Cruz.

  11. You know, Czar, we need to change out all the accepted terms for people who are heretofore known as “RINOs” and etc. They are neither right nor left, they are Washington D.C. Politicians and Friends of D.C. Politicians. And they all want the same thing — exclusively for themselves — the right to their private club and the right to keep everything that accrues to that posh club. Membership requirements: willingness to be a puppet or a puppeteer in order to keep the whole shebang in motion. You support globalism, no problem! Abortion? How much money you got? No problem. You have how many union members? No problem. You want to write legislation that guarantees insane profits to your company? No problem. You want to support TPP? You want to be president? Absolutely NO PROBLEM!!

    “Who are those people? Oh, there just the stooped backs of all the interchangeable, disposable people, some American citizens, many not, who will vote us back in every four years because they think we’re for them! Can you believe it?! What idiots!”

  12. AA, I know what you mean…I just use RINO because of its “instantaneous” recognition.

    I believe “political elite class” is a term I’ve heard circulated…which suggests BOTH Democrats and Republicans of the ilk you describe.

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