Carter Defends Trump – IOTW Report

Carter Defends Trump


DC: President Donald Trump found sympathy from an unexpected source in the pages on The New York Times Sunday.

Former President Jimmy Carter told TheNYT’s Maureen Dowd at his home in Plains, Ga., that the press treats Trump worse than any chief executive in living memory.

“I think the media have been harder on Trump than any other president certainly that I’ve known about,” Carter said. “I think they feel free to claim that Trump is mentally deranged and everything else without hesitation.”

Carter is friendly with National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster, and praised Trump’s diplomatic initiatives in the Middle East, he revealed in the interview.    MORE

10 Comments on Carter Defends Trump

  1. Hoping for a crumb from Trump’s table.
    Wants a Presidential appointment. Good luck with that, Cousin Jimmeh.

    Jimmy lived long enough to see a half-Kenyan exceed him as Most Anti-American POTUS Ever. That must be a comfort.

  2. Haha, Rush said today that Jimmy boy is trying to sweet-talk his way to getting sent to North Korea to broker a nuclear peace deal.

    I don’t think he understands that the little fat boy would eat him for lunch. I mean; really eat him.

  3. Despite all the bad things that I and others have said about him, I think Brer Jimmy is really just a good-hearted ole Southern boy. And that’s probably why he made such a lousy President. You got to be tough for that job.

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