Carter Page: John Dean hearing showed Dems in full cover-up mode – IOTW Report

Carter Page: John Dean hearing showed Dems in full cover-up mode

Carter Page/ Daily Caller: 

Instead of figuring out why America’s intelligence community is protecting partisan political operatives, House Democrats would rather keep undermining justice.

That’s the takeaway from today’s House Judiciary Committee hearing with John Dean, President Nixon’s disgraced White House Counsel. Instead of calling witnesses who could expose the corrupt figures in the U.S. intelligence community who tried to take out President Trump, House Democrats called Dean to talk about “parallels” between Trump and Watergate.

The hearing is part of a disturbing trend in which Democrats and certain intelligence officials have worked to prevent the public from learning more about their misdeeds.

Following the announcement of President Trump’s decision to authorize declassification of documents related to the illicit surveillance of innocent Americans, CNN analyst and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said that this decision could put “people’s lives at risk.”

MSNBC analyst and former CIA Director John Brennan also expressed concern, saying the information “could in fact put people’s lives in great jeopardy as well as put very sensitive and very exquisite U.S. intelligence capabilities at risk.”

For decades, I served as one of those very sources that they belatedly claim a desire to protect. While they now use lofty rhetoric to portray themselves as guardians of national security, the detailed history of the coup attempt against President Trump reveals a different reality.

In the wake of defamatory news reports based on the “Dodgy Dossier” in September 2016, I faced frequent death threats and countless risks to my life. It all stemmed from the U.S. intelligence community’s illicit conspiracy with the Democratic Party. Strong support from loyal media advocates exacerbated these misperceptions.

Through countless meetings with agents from intelligence agencies over the past quarter century, I had made important prior contributions to those “very exquisite” capabilities. But when the Democratic National Committee and its partners in government fraudulently used illicit sources to illegally interfere in the 2016 election, my life and the lives of countless other Trump supporters were frequently put at risk.

Given Clapper and Brennan’s new career track as media pundits, they now stand as members of the same industry that played a vital role in this DNC-sponsored misinformation campaign.

The partisan Mueller report included extensive references to my long series of in-depth meetings with FBI agents in March 2017. But like most of their one-sided tome, these misleading accounts left out the most essential details from those interviews, which were frequently leaked by the intelligence community in subsequent years.

7 Comments on Carter Page: John Dean hearing showed Dems in full cover-up mode

  1. Dusting off John Dean to offer parallels to watergate couldn’t appear more desperate. This just looks exactly like what it is, another attempt at smearing the president.
    Our congressmen Jim Jordan and Matt Gaetz humiliated both Dean and the dimwit Nadler.

  2. Besides the thrashing Dean has already gotten, I would have asked him “What first hand knowledge do you have of the Trump matter that would make you a credible witness in these proceedings?”

  3. Dragging Dean out of the dust bin of times gone by, shows you that the democrats don’t have anything new of value to offer. Been there, seen that, so they only have an old turd to try and shine up their waist of time and money. So this is all they have to sell??? Only someone with a quarter of a brain or less would buy this delusion.

  4. CNN analyst and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said that this decision could put “people’s lives at risk.”

    Not “people” Clappy. NPCs.

  5. MSNBC analyst and former CIA Director John Brennan also expressed concern, saying the information “could in fact put people’s lives in great jeopardy as well as put very sensitive and very exquisite U.S. intelligence capabilities at risk.”

    See, Clappy? NPCs.

  6. House Democrats called Dean to talk about “parallels” between Trump and Watergate.

    Hmmm… Doesn’t Hillary have enough “free” time to talk about “parallels” between Trump and Watergate?

  7. FTA: the information “could in fact put people’s lives in great jeopardy as well as put very sensitive and very exquisite U.S. intelligence capabilities at risk.” That’s odd. They didn’t worry bout that kinda stuff when voting for the Clintons and Obama…


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