Carville: ‘I’m Scared to Death’ 2020 Dems Blowing It by Talking About Voting from Jail, Open Borders – IOTW Report

Carville: ‘I’m Scared to Death’ 2020 Dems Blowing It by Talking About Voting from Jail, Open Borders

Breitbart: Former lead strategist for Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign James Carville said on Tuesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “The Beat With Ari Melber,” that he is “scared to death” the Democratic Party is leaning too far left, as evidenced by 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) having a strong showing in the Iowa caucuses.

Carville said, “There are other things that worry me. Apparently, the turnout in Iowa is not what I would have expected—other people would have expected. The numbers are still coming in. But people are telling me it’s more like 2016. The polling averages have not been very good the last ten days. And I’ve seen some pretty good polls that show enthusiasm among Democrats is not as high as we would like it. So there’s something as people are watching this process that is concerning. I do want to take a chance to congratulate Mayor Pete and his staff. That was a remarkable night they had in Des Moines. I think this is not going particularly well so far. Why is Tom Perez still the chairman of the Democratic National Committee I have no idea. This party needs to wake up and make sure that we talk about things are relevant to people. We need to go back to 2018 where we had good, diverse, strong candidates that had real connections and talked about real things. We don’t need to become the British Labor Party. That’s a bad thing. It’s not going well over there. So Democrats, I want to say, don’t these candidates, and Mayor Pete has something going. Hopefully, Senator Warren can become that student at the University of Houston, the one that knows the plights people go through. Who knows, maybe Mayor Mike can come on. But right now, I have to tell you. I’m not very impressed.” read more

20 Comments on Carville: ‘I’m Scared to Death’ 2020 Dems Blowing It by Talking About Voting from Jail, Open Borders

  1. Bill Clinton was one of the scummiest politicians that ever lived. He’s also one of the most savvy. Part of that is due to the education that Carville gave him. Carville knows how people work in real life and in real situations and what their actions are likely to be.

    If Carville is this freaked out in public imagine what he’s saying behind closed doors. This is great news for Trump supporters.

  2. So he is worried they are talking about these destructive things, but not so worried they will will actually implement these crazy ideas? The 21st century version of don’t ask don’t tell.

  3. “Who knows, maybe Mayor Mike can come on.”

    “Come on” WHAT?
    (Terrible excuse for a) Mayor Mike is known for coming on a LOT of things, mostly on things the Bible says he SHOULDN’T, bragging about it, then piously quoting the Bible later like it’s a menu and he can take out the parts he doesn’t like.

    …it’s basically his ONLY credential, and ONLY thing that keeps him in the race, he’s a rump ranger and that’s just as good as being Black, sayeth the Demoncrats.

    …it’s not helping the Demoncrats AT ALL outside of the coasts, and Mr. Oblivious here doesn’t seem to recognize that.

    …point is, if “Mayor Pete” “comes on” any MORE, they’re gonna need hazmat protocols for the debate stage roadies that handle his microphone and seating arrangements…

  4. ‘I’m Scared to Death’ 2020 Dems Blowing It’

    ….also, there’s very LITTLE that Democrats don’t OPENLY talk about “Blowing”, and that ANOTHER reason that they don’t get votes outside of Sodom and Gomorrah, the REST of the country is pretty tired of hearing you talk about your crotch, and the REALLY weird thing is that, as much as you think about it, talk about it, write laws about it, and celebrate it, you STILL can’t tell if you’re a boy or a girl, and that’s just sad…

  5. “In case you need it, here is another reason why fixed terms are a fix.”

    Standard uniparty response:

    “But think of all the valuable experience that would be lost!”


    “But think of all the money and authority that we will lose!”

  6. If Carville knows that the democraps are screwed because of the way they act it’s absolutely positively good news for America. This years Presidential election is going to be a wipeout of epic proportions because the democraps showed their ugly hand for all America to see last night especially when Nancy Pelousey tore up her copy of the Presidents SOTU speech showing her utter contempt and hatred of President Trump and all his millions of deplorable supporters. This will not end well for the democraps.

  7. Carville understands that patience is needed to enslave a nation. Like penning feral hogs, you can’t alarm them.
    Build a Potemkin village, a platform that looks like a train station (Treblinka), a “Work Will Make You Free” motto over the gate, anything to deceive the marks long enough to render them helpless.
    The NKVD took the disarmed Polish officers in 2 to 5 at a time for a “debrief” and shot them from behind. The Japs took the disarmed chinks 10 at a time out of the holding pens where they either shot them or buried them alive. Sparta did the same to Thebes. Athens did the same to Melos.

    (in EVERY case, disarmament came FIRST)

    Carville learned the lessons of history – most of the present-day apparatchiks have never read a single instance of history. If America wakes from her slumber before the denouement, there’ll be Hell to pay.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. @Anonymous February 5, 2020 at 8:51 am

    > The Founders got it right.

    If you believe that, then you are a traitor. The United States Constitution is not The United States’ founding document. Period. Full stop. Don’t even pretend to be that stupid.

    If you support The United States Constitution, the document that overthrew The United States’ founding document, then you know it is the source, the reason, the design, of why we are here. In this place, in this way, in these times. If you do not support this outcome, this way, this design, then you are a traitor to The United States Constitution.

    So, what did the Founders get right? The failure to uphold what they swore their “sacred honors” the people were fighting for? Or the design, that by design, put Americans here? In this place? In this way? In these, not their, United States?

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