‘Case’: Another semantic Trojan Horse – IOTW Report

‘Case’: Another semantic Trojan Horse

American Thinker:

By Leann Horrocks

In our new world of pandemic panic porn, it is important to remember that the word “case” is not a term of art.  It is not a medical term or a legal term.  It is just another word with a broad meaning that has been commandeered by people who want to control you.

This seemingly innocuous word is being used as a blunt instrument to stampede you into doing what the globalist elites want you to do.  It is widely used when the media, Big Tech, and government experts (the “infomob”) lie by omission.

When you hear that there are x “new cases” in any context, this should immediately prompt you to ask questions about the number:

  • Are these just positive COVID tests?
  • Are these hospitalized people?
  • Are these people who are not sick at all?
  • Are these re-testings of the same people who have to be tested daily to keep their jobs?
  • Are these people with other medical conditions?

The infomob wants you to envision these “cases” as hospitalized people on respirators, gasping for breath.  What if most of these are just positive tests?  If so, were these done with the PCR test?  The fact is, the PCR test is so highly parameterizable that you can set it to find whatever you want.  This is one of the reasons the CDC has quit using it.  

By simply saying “cases,” breathless TV “newspeople” can fill in the blanks for you with angst-ridden, dramatic presentation.  Don’t buy it.  It’s all set up for you to drown in their implications. more

h/t NAAC

13 Comments on ‘Case’: Another semantic Trojan Horse

  1. “What event or events need to occur for the ‘case count’ to be incremented by one?”

    I have asked three different doctors that question and none of them were even able to recognize that as a valid and important question, much less give a clear answer.

    “Everybody knows what [X] means!” is always a cop-out answer. In a way, it is an appeal to authority fallacy, where the authority is the mob.

  2. Cases means a number today that is higher than the day before. Always reported as a percentage increase to make it look worse. If a county reports 14 cases today but had 11 yesterday, this is reported as “Covid cases skyrocketed by more than 20% yesterday as hospitals struggle to handle the anticipated influx of patients”.

  3. @Figgering Lyre — The propagandists use the percentage scam when the numbers are small, as you point out.

    But when the absolute numbers are large, they go with the number increase. If yesterday something was 1,000,000 and today it is 1,020,000, the reporting is, “OMG! An increase of TWENTY THOUSAND!!1!” instead of an increase of a measly two percent.

  4. In my large circle of friends and acquaintances, I know of only one person who has died of Corona, and that was back in March of 2020, an 88 year old man who already had COPD and morbid obesity problems. I know plenty of people, including myself, who probably had a bout of Corona in 2020, but this latest “mutation” is just bullshit, all political bullshit. Our country is run by people who are so stupid and narrow in scope that they think that everyone who is not them is a complete and utter moron who’ll believe anything they’re told. They’re literally talking about themselves, apparently.

  5. Not only are “cases” just counts of (dubious) positive PCR tests, but if the same person gets tested again, that’s another “case.”

    And (thankyou TheMule), these “cases” also include people who were seeing docs or going onto hospital for completely unrelated reasons.

    It’s all horseshit.

  6. I had Covid last month. I was a councilor at a church camp, and around 30 people came down with it. Of the 30, 21 had been vaccinated…I had not. It was bad, but it was basically just the flu. I was fatigued, I had a fever, I had a headache, and I lost my sense of taste and smell. But, when I called the doctor after the first week to tell him I seemed to be getting worse, I was told to just stay home and “ride it out”. That doesn’t sound like a life threatening illness to me. Two of my grandkids got it, to them it was like a mild cold. My wife got it from us, and she had most of the same symptoms that I did, BUT, she tested negative.
    It’s all BS


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