Case of Malaria In D.C. Suburbs – IOTW Report

Case of Malaria In D.C. Suburbs

GP: Once eradicated from the United States, “locally acquired” malaria has now cropped up in a third state this year, this time in the Maryland suburbs just outside of the nation’s capital. Earlier this year a handful of locally acquired malaria cases were found in Florida and Texas. more

25 Comments on Case of Malaria In D.C. Suburbs

  1. Loco – I don’t think there’s anything those two phonies could do to further dishonor their fabricated blood lines. Adopting kids and calling them their own without birth records or preggers pictures would honor their faux heritage.

  2. Kinda ironic in a Black town like DC if you think about it, considering one of the reasons Black slaves were preferred over native slaves was because of superior malaria resistance in the swamps and lowlands where the plantations were.

  3. “locally acquired”?
    If you get the disease from a mosquito bite which transmits a parasite (demonrat? union member? gov’t employee?) into your system, how, other than locally, could you be infected?
    Is there a “long-distance acquired” malaria?

    I don’t understand. Anonymous, without referring to “Donny,” can you explain this? You seem to know everything else.


    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. “…a Maryland resident who lives in the National Capital Region.”
    Why won’t they say where in Maryland?
    Admit it – it’s an illegal who brought it from the shithole it came from.

  5. If you want Malaria head up north with me in the spring.
    Just off the coast of Georgian Bay there are enough Mosquitoes and Black flies to carry you down to the dock and back.

  6. “locally acquired” seems to be a euphemism to perpetrate the lie that the malaria is a local phenomenon and not brought into the United States by illegal-alien invading rat-people.

    There are (to the best of my knowledge) no Anopheles mosquitos in Maryland.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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