Casey Means with Tucker Carlson – Vital Health Info For Every American Family – IOTW Report

Casey Means with Tucker Carlson – Vital Health Info For Every American Family

This will be an eye opener for some.

Watch HERE

10 Comments on Casey Means with Tucker Carlson – Vital Health Info For Every American Family

  1. I watched the whole 21/2 or so hrs last week.
    Ordered their book after.
    They really make you think about how Healthcare is run.
    Pharma ads shouldn’t be allowed. Cigarette ads were banned long ago but the money wasn’t as big.
    Pharma pretty much owns politicians and media so that’s an uphill battle.

  2. I’ve been casually looking for this video. Thanks for posting it. I don’t have the hour plus to watch it tonight. But coming from a guy that’s been thru his fair share of shit over the last four years. Research Compounding Pharmacies. That’s where we go to get healthy.

  3. The only medication that I know of that is an absolute life saver is insulin for Type 1 insulin dependent diabetics, sometimes called juvenile diabetics, although adults can get it also. But due to big pharma a medication that should be generic isn’t. Insulin was discovered over 100 years ago.

    Type 2 diabetes aka obesity related diabetes can be prevented or minimized if we didn’t have high fructose sugar in all our foods.

    Pharmacy Benefit Managers are a fraud also. A middleman getting their cut while making meds. expensive for patients.

  4. I watched half of it. Will finish it tomorrow. I’m going to buy the book.

    I’m so pleased to hear someone who agrees with me about the stupid food pyramid!

    Carbs and sugar are evil! Yes, they taste good, but I’d rather be healthy!

  5. Even cartoons are more prescient (or honest) than the govt. these days when it comes to nutrition. Southpark’s Eric Cartman recognized that the food pyramid was upside down even though he’s a vile little cartoon character. People are healthier when they eat meats (high quality protein) and animal fats (vs. seed oils and the like – animal fats contain vitamin K2 which helps the body absorb calcium).

  6. She mentioned in passing FunctionHealth. It seems like a better medical care paradigm. I just signed up for twice a year testing and explanation of the labs.

  7. All I can say is Thank You Lord for putting Adele Davis and her books in my path when I was 19 way back in 1970. I watched the Tucker interview and of course Davis wasn’t hip to the dark place we’re at now with the disastrous UPF that are available but even way back in the day, she recommended whole foods and protein as mainstays in diet.

    Also back in the day, I was looked at like some kind of nut for insisting on that way of eating not as a diet but as a life style. And “you take supplements and vitamins???” from my Dr. Well boy, all you’re getting is real expensive urine.

    Yet here I am, early 70s, healthy, BF around 15%, never took any prescription drugs, athletic(CV & iron almost every day), work 70 hrs/week, enjoy time with my gal and generally am positive.

    If you haven’t watched this interview, I can’t recommend it enough. And it’s yet another reason why Trump working with RFK, who is very familiar with Means'(both of them) work, is a Godsend for our country.

    Like sundance says there are trillions at stake and TPTB are not going to go quietly into the night.


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