Cash For Strzok – IOTW Report

Cash For Strzok

Patriot Retort:

Peter Strzok shills for cash

My but the mighty have fallen.

Corrupt Trump hater Peter Strzok wasted no time after his termination setting up a GoFundMe account to raise money for himself.

Fortunately, Leftists are idiots, so he’ll probably rake in the cash.

My guess is the Left has given him more money than they donated to any Puerto Rico hurricane relief fund.

Because, when push comes to shove, Leftists go all-in for a pasty white guy.

Personally, I find it unsurprising that Peter Strzok has no shame.

But I do find it rather odd.

SNIP: That face! LMAO.

35 Comments on Cash For Strzok

  1. What a great country. I just read, can’t confirm, that Pecker Strzok was fired by the FBI but still works for the CIA, and got about 200,000 bucks in “Go Fund Me” Money to defend and help his ass.
    Sum thin wong here.

  2. Give him free rent and all the soccer he can play in Gitmo.

    He was one of types who thought he was smarter than everyone else.

    Not so smart now, jackass. And your bang slut has a horse face to boot.

  3. Let us hope that Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Powers, McCabe and the whole bunch have to set up GoFundMe accounts. Let the SJW’s keep funding them all the way to Leavenworth and Danbury.

  4. This could be a good thing. He’s guilty as hell and will never be able to enjoy this money because he will be in jail with Hitlery. And…..this is leftist money that won’t be available for Democrap candidates!

  5. A close friend, who has to remain anonymous, told me that his friend heard from a guy who works with Sheppard Smith (FOX) that Shep once bragged about getting a Wolinsky from Don Lemon (CNN) at a party in a clothes closet at 30 Rock. Plaza. It was a Christmas Party and all the News Journalists were in attendance. Even the fake ones like Dan Rather, Brian Williams,Michele Maddow, Brian Struck ,and many others were there. including the great “Compilation of those who laughed at Trump. Check that out on Youtube.

  6. That’s a start on a retirement package.
    He will not lose his law license, be charged, prosecuted or sentenced.

    The establishment will take care of their sacrificial boy.

  7. What I find odd is that I always heard gofundme wouldn’t allow accounts for legal actions (legal defense, yes…but that’s not what Strzok’s page says).

    Details, details….

  8. Treasonous c*ck s*cker should be able to blackmail Hillary and Russia for millions. Strzok knows where all the skeletons are buried. Just before entering the fires of hell he’s going to regret ever having anything to do with Hillary.

  9. Thing about having tons of dirt on the clintonistas is, one could end up committing suicide on a door knob with a red scarf……….

    ” Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

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