Cash-rich Schumer gets caught exploiting the interns – IOTW Report

Cash-rich Schumer gets caught exploiting the interns

American Thinker:

Has anyone been louder in advocating for a higher minimum wage than New York’s Democratic Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer?

He’s bellowed that minimum wages should be raised to at least $12 an hour, attempting to shame Republicans for opposing him, by calling it, (kid you not), “a moral issue,” as he put it. He’s pretty much defined the Democratic Party in the minds of voters by his hammerings on the minimum wage. Then he went and put out an ad calling for unpaid interns. According to the New York Post:

WASHINGTON – Sen. Schumer listed job openings for unpaid interns — but said the posting was “made in error” after Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez criticized members of Congress for seeking free labor.

Talk about exploitation.

It is exploitation, as it deprives anyone who’s not independently wealthy of the opportunity to serve in the Senate. For free unpaid interns under Schumer, they labor, and he gets the end product of it for nothing, presumably in exchange for a good job recommendation to work for money from someone else. Such a guy.

Here’s the kicker: It’s not like he doesn’t have money to pay interns.  MORE HERE

6 Comments on Cash-rich Schumer gets caught exploiting the interns

  1. I’ll volunteer to do without pay it if I could be alone with him in a locked room for about one hour on the first day. One of us would come out with a “moral issue” attitude adjustment.

  2. I emailed schumer 25 years ago about his “assault weapons” gun control ban. I told him that he betrays his people who were stuck in Warsaw in 1943 or so and he betrays us NOW!!!


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