Cat Fight! – IOTW Report

Cat Fight!

Jean-Pierre Calls For Pence To Apologize For Joke About Buttigieg.

OAN: White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has asked former Vice President Mike Pence to apologize for telling a “homophobic joke” regarding Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg’s paternity leave.

Over the weekend, Mike Pence spoke before journalists and politicians at the annual Gridiron Club dinner in Washington, D.C. During his speech at the traditionally humorous white-tie gathering, Pence poked fun at Buttigieg for taking paternity leave while Americans faced unprecedented issues with air travel.

“He took two months ‘maternity’ leave whereupon thousands of travelers were stranded in airports, the air traffic system shut down, and airplanes nearly collided on our runways. Pete is the only person in human history to have a child and everyone else gets postpartum depression,” Pence said.

Jean-Pierre told The Washington Blade, a liberal LGBTQ outlet, that the former vice president should apologize “to women and LGBTQ people.” MORE

17 Comments on Cat Fight!

  1. Yeah, Pence should apologize, but not for her reason. Because, I don’t trust the backstabber and I’d rather people weren’t suddenly more favorable towards him. Even Conservatives are gullible.

  2. Homophobic… “I do not think that word means what you think it means.”

  3. Not gay bashing in any way.
    Making fun of a man leaving a job that affects the entire country? Yes.
    Did you know it’s a federal employee benefit to get 12 weeks off for paternity leave?

  4. LocoBlancoSaltine
    MARCH 14, 2023 AT 1:30 AM
    “Pence running for president is so bizarre.
    I don’t believe a VP has ever opposed their former boss in an election?
    Imagine thinking he has a chance in hell?”

    …he doesn’t have a chance and he knows it.

    He’s there primarily to be a splitter, to peel a few votes from President Trump, because that’s how the devil rolls, by dividing those that do not serve him against themselves.

    Secondarily, he’s there for reasons you stated, so CNMSNBC,, can point and say “see, his own vice president and a Republican doesn’t think he’s fit, so it must be so!”, conveniently leaving out the fact that the GOP-e saddled him with Pence in the first place before they’d allow him to be a candidate, so they could watch President Trump closely and use Pence to damage him when possible (like with General Flynn), and hold 25thing President Trump in reserve if all else fails.

    Pence is there now for the same reason he was ALWAYS there. To divide and distract and do what damage he can in the service of the same master that they ALL serve, nothing more.

    The intention is not “president Pence”,

    The intention is to once again deny President Trump.

  5. Please excuse the interruption but I just read that Snowball the Sourpuss has departed & would like to extend my condolences to his family and friends. May he rest in peace and may the perpetual light shine upon him , Amen .


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