Catch up on Clinton History – IOTW Report

Catch up on Clinton History


Hillary Clinton is counting on your short memory or lack of information in her 2016 Presidential run. Be informed and share with interested voters.

via Send Clinton Cigars



4 Comments on Catch up on Clinton History

  1. I was baffled at the stupidity in terms of debate tactics by criticizing Trump for his “scandalous” talk about women. Doesn’t she realize she’s opening herself AND her husband up for an attack like they’ve never seen before? How stupid!

    Then it hit me earlier this morning as I was “❤️” Milo on Instagram before church. She and Bill have had press covering for them for so long they truly believe it doesn’t matter to them. Are they in for a big wad of stain on a blue dress tonight!

  2. This is a razor’s edge Trump must navigate to avoid traps on either side. If nothing else can be proven about Hills and Bill, it is that they are trashy street fighters, stooping to all possible, including murder when all else fails. I hope Donald gets through this intact tonight. I worry about our collective fate as Americans. Donald can help save us. I believe this! Everything else is just dog shit lobbed onto our porches by the hood bullies and thugs (democrats).

  3. None of this stuff matters. The reason it doesn’t matter is because the GOP wants Hillary to win. Why?

    Because the GOP, like the Dems, know beyond a doubt that there’s a major bubble about to burst in the world economy and whomever is occupying the White House will get the blame.

    It’s not about the country anymore; that former Constitutional Republic doesn’t exist any longer.

    It’s all about THEM – the GOP and the Democrat party. No matter who wins, there’s still going to be a collapse and a depression like we’ve never seen. It’ll be catastrophe on every continent.

    A Hillary win will delay it; a Trump win will exacerbate it – because the FED is in control of it.

    This whole Trump vs. Clinton thing is nothing but an elaborate distraction. The media is complicit with the whole thing because they know they’ll have job security perpetuating the faux good guy v. bad guy paradigm after the collapse.

    There will be a small group of oligarchs running the world against the serfdom with the UN in charge, and the media using fear to maintain the deliberately undefinable bogey man.

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