Catching up on the DNC protests – IOTW Report

Catching up on the DNC protests

Breitbart: Protests Rock Philly During Obama Speech At DNC.

PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania – Protesters launched a rowdy demonstration that led to arrests Wednesday night outside the Democratic National Convention as President Obama endorsed Hillary Clinton for president inside the convention hall.

Police arrested a man for throwing raw eggs and balloons into the crowd, causing temporary panic as patrol helicopters circled the immediate area and law enforcement attempted to calm the scene.

In a separate incident, Breitbart News captured on camera a man being badly burned after his dress caught on fire while attempting to stomp out the flames of a burning U.S. flag.  MORE

SNIP: I hope the Fart-In goes off as scheduled.

13 Comments on Catching up on the DNC protests

  1. “Police arrested a man for throwing raw eggs and balloons into the crowd, causing temporary panic…”

    Oh yeah…I forgot about the legions of safe-space cadets on the left now. Some of them probably sat down, sheltered in place and tweeted their last tweet. Many more simply shit themselves. On the plus side, that kept them from getting wedgies later by their union thug compadres.

  2. That picture reminds me of something out of The Wizard of Oz.

    “I am the great and powerful Welfare Wizard of Bern!!!”

    “Pay no attention to that shriveled up old Socialist behind the curtain!…”


  3. @willysgoatgruff, LOL. I thought long and hard about whether laughing at a man whose dress caught fire made me a bad person. I decided it didn’t.

    The only thing that would be funnier is if it were a tranzie (cross between a tranny and a muzzie) and his burqua caught fire. Now that would be a real side-splitter.

  4. I’m a little confused; a man at a DNC rally tried to put out a burning American flag and caught his dress on fire?

    Everything fits except for the part where he/she tries to put out the burning American flag.

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