Catching Up With Ann Barnhardt – IOTW Report

Catching Up With Ann Barnhardt


49 Comments on Catching Up With Ann Barnhardt

  1. Ever since first reading about Ann (a long time ago) I started worrying about her.
    Hope she is doing well.
    My wife calls her that angry girl. The wife is a psychiatrist.
    Good luck Ann. G-d has your back.

  2. It would still be nice if she would address some of the obvious questions that the interviewers never have the balls to ask. Such as… If your dear friends, the ones providing you a roof, are still necessarily paying taxes and paying a cable company (I presume) to provide you internet services, how does that work in with your tax strike and insistence on everyone else dropping cable and “starving the beast?” Do you hassle your friends over the kitchen table about these things you’ve mocked us about not doing in the past? Do they get a pass? How does that work? And Pope Francis is a materialist, huh? Would you explain how that works in some more detail? Also, I’m still not clear on how the biggest problem facing the resistance is that they use pseudonyms when they blog. Because none of their other practical preparations mean anything unless they happen to blog with their real names? How does that break the back of the tyrants, exactly, when everyone becomes a martyr? Working for freedom behind the scenes doesn’t count now? So many unanswered questions… That’s what frustrates ME, Ann.

  3. None, huh? Not even a little? Wow. Good to know. (Uproarious laughter in the background…)

    And no, Steve, the people I pay rent to don’t give dime one to the IRS nor to any cable company, either. But by all means, continue to hold yourself out as an expert on “me” since I went over to your house and ate pie exactly one time… three years ago. You are clearly in a position to expound upon my entire life, including my intimate interior thoughts and feelings and the interior thoughts and feelings of those around me – past, present and future. Because I met you… once. But the pie was fantastic.

    Ah, the internet… It’s so psychologically HEALTHY.

  4. Ann is a patriot in what used to be the United States of America. God Bless Ann.

    I hope I’m arrested today for saying this, it would eliminate me from playing this fake money game.

  5. ‘None, huh? Not even a little? Wow. Good to know. (Uproarious laughter in the background…)’

    It was not meant to be amusing or to marginalize you…which obviously, you took it a such.

    Who knows….well you would….if you have peace or joy, but I’ll tell you what…in all your writings that I have read, you never once came across as a joyful person, or someone with inner peace. So if you do have it, you conceal it very well.

    I have read books from Christians who live in far worst situations than you or me, and in spite of it…they have great inner joy and peace overflowing.

    Try reading Tortured for Christ from Richard Wurmbrand sometime, or The cost of Discipleship from Bonhoffer or any of the historical writings of the early Christian who were persecuted beyond our imagination or paltry sufferings and see how much joy they have in spite of it.

    I was just making an observation

  6. I do find it interesting that you respond to me with sarcasm instead of attempting to correct my error, much like the same manner you vilify those in your posts who you are annoyed with.

  7. I love Ann Barnhardt. I try to keep up with and take to heart her political pieces, but what I most enjoy are her writings about religion (although I’m not Catholic). They help deepen my faith and I love that. I’m very grateful to her.

  8. I enjoy listening to an but I wouldn’t want to be in a debate with her, most of the time she makes great points and humorous at times. She is doing what will be common at some point or we will perish as a nation.
    I feel like we’re living in the matrix and most everybody is taking the blue pill.
    How does this thing work out when your own family don’t wanna hear it?

  9. I learn a ton of stuff from Ann every time I read her, and it sticks with me like barely no sermon I’ve ever heard.

    What I need to know is how to contact Ann with questions and comments on her blog. Either I overlooked it, or it’s a secret.

  10. I agree with many points made by Grunt but I continue to throw a few bucks her way. I consider my donations as payment for excellent writing. As far as the “she has no joy or peace” comment. That’s ridiculous.

    Ann doesn’t have to be perfect to have my support.

  11. “As far as the “she has no joy or peace” comment. That’s ridiculous.”

    Why? because you say so?

    No where did I criticize her patriotism, her views or anything else….shit…get a grip people. I simply stated that it is in MY opinion that based on what I read that she seems to have no joy or peace. This in and of itself was NOT an attack on her.

    Haven’t any of you disciples ever read Ecclesiastes 1:18?

    With much knowledge comes much sorrow?

  12. Perhaps I am wrong, but I think some may misinterpret Ann’s righteous anger as lacking in joy/peace. What man has wrought on this country is to spit in the eye of God who gave us this glorious opportunity to taste a bit of heaven here on earth. America was the ultimate testimonial to the rest of the world of God’s goodness. I am personally glad she has not gone completely off the grid as we need to hear the hard truths that she is willing to share.

  13. “…I think some may misinterpret Ann’s righteous anger as lacking in joy/peace.”

    I didn’t misinterpret. I have read the works of some of the greatest pillars of the faith, both Catholics and Protestants. I know how to ‘read’ ones writings. there is a tone we all eventual take in our style, our prose.

    Thomas de Kempis writes from a perspective of a man who cannot come to grips the concept that he has been made righteous before God…the gift of grace…to boldly come before the throne of God is a concept utterly inconceivable for him…thus he undermines and marginalizes…even sins in his false humility…in not accepting that which is given freely from God to man. Faith accept the gift.

    But…the reason I made my original statement is because my brother is exactly as Ann comes off in her writings IN MY OPINION….without joy or peace.. My brother since having become a Christian over 30 years ago, spent his life angry…or as he like to put it; righteous indignant…at everybody; sinners, weak Christians….feminists in the church…gays….muslims, everyone on earth.
    To a point that he never speaks of those things that are beautiful, lofty, pure or speaks of things that are joyful or which brings him joy and he thinks that he is so righteous, where in fact he comes across as a bitter, angry and hateful Christian…the antithesis of a Christian.

    Righteous indignation is fine and even acceptable, however one must find a balance and rest in Jesus in order to be able to deal with all the BS that is in the world…everyday.. We cannot do it in our own strength, but through He who strengthens us and grants us inner peace and joy.

    Without Christ…all the religion in the world will not bring you joy or peace.

    In a nutshell this was my entire point. A point I might add that holds true to every. single. person…including myself

  14. I am going to chime in a bit. I appreciate listening and/or reading Ann in part because she knows a lot more than I do about economics and finance. I do learn from her.

    I also, for the most part, take a pass on any spiritual gleanings. I have to say I agree with ‘Creepy’, that there does not seem to be much joy in Ann (just my opinion). IMHO if you have Jesus in your life you will “show” joy to those around you.

    I am currently meeting with our Pastor each week for Bible study with my wife, and the subject of joy with Christ came up yesterday (I Peter 1:3-9) If you have received Jesus and are saved, you will express joy to those around you. I don’t mean bouncing off the ceiling giddy, but a sense of calm because you know where you are going. At the end of the day, the #1 job as Christians is to bring as many as possible along as you can.

    I am experiencing a tough time right now. Currently unemployed and hip replacement surgery in a couple of weeks, but my “trials” do not even come close to those other Christians thru history and are currently being persecuted. Heck, they are crucifying Christians in Syria as we speak. Too many other persecutions to list in this space.

    Even as bad as things are (and are going to get), I am grateful that I live in America. I will protect my family and have prepared for what I believe is coming, but I take solace in knowing that I will, “always be in his hand”.

  15. Ann,
    The “pie visit” to the Grunt Ranch was awesome, and yes, ‘Steve’ is my real name. Thanks for sharing. But I’m just a nobody. I have no real knowledge of anything about you, and I don’t pretend to.

    But you’re not a nobody, Ann. According to Warren Pollack, you’re America’s leading counter revolutionary. You affect people. And lately, you’ve been saying a lot of things that are affecting people in scandalous ways. Like your weird accusations about the leader of a billion Catholics worldwide. Like your failure to ever explain why Allen West, who many of us still hold out hope for, is a traitor and can’t be trusted. Like your insistence on people doing things they can’t all do (like tax strikes, kill cable news, no pseudonyms, etc.). Shit like that causes controversy and you need to answer friendly questions about them BEFORE you need to answer hostile questions. We would rather you stay relevant and NOT have people give up on you and walk away shaking their heads.

    For the love of God, are not my questions reasonably presented in a public forum? I don’t bother you personally. I haven’t sent you an email for years, and I rarely even visit your website. I have never called you. Why do you react like I’m a stalker for asking pointed questions and being critical on a public forum? If this is how you react to friendly questions from somebody on your side, how will you deal with your first really hostile interview?

    Please believe me, Ann. I have nothing against you and I do not wish to criticize you personally in any way. My questions have NOTHING to do with the fact that we are long-ago acquaintances over a single, pleasant family dinner. But people listen to you. People like me will object when you say crazy-ass shit we disagree with about the Pope, or give advice about people, like West, who might be our only hope, without being pretty clear about it. When we complain, you don’t have to answer. I doubt you listen most of the time, anyway. That’s ok. But please, don’t be freaked out. I’m sorry!

  16. “And no, Steve, the people I pay rent to don’t give dime one to the IRS nor to any cable company, either. But by all means, continue to hold yourself out as an expert on “me” since I went over to your house and ate pie exactly one time… three years ago. You are clearly in a position to expound upon my entire life, including my intimate interior thoughts and feelings and the interior thoughts and feelings of those around me – past, present and future. Because I met you… once. But the pie was fantastic.”

    Gee Ann, if this is how you treat and respond to your supporters, I would hate to see how you treat those who are not disciples…oh wait I have.
    Nowhere was he trying to be an expert on your entire life…yet now he feels compelled to apologize?…personally I can’t see why he has to. He asked a few questions, questions that are legitimate since you choose to blog your views and opinions for all to read. You respond by mocking him and not even bother to extend the common courtesy of answering a single question he asked.

  17. Creepy Ass Cracka-
    Thanks for the backup. Appreciate it!

    Ann may be irritated about other previous conversations as well. I can only find one off-hand:

    She was also not happy about a tongue-in-cheek piece I wrote about the Pope thing a while back somewhere else. I won’t link to that, because I don’t want Ann to accuse me of trolling for publicity, again.

    I don’t blame her for being a little pissed. I’ve been a pain in the ass.

  18. A ritual is no substitute for a personal, ongoing relationship with the One who loved me enough to die in my place, and defeated Death by rising, in His own power, from the grave so that I will, too.

    But ritual feels religious, and religion allows a person to participate in their own salvation, and fallen humanity ALWAYS covets that power(born of pride), and religions of all kinds, through all times capitalize on the impulse.

    Everyone – presently – has access to an approved translation of Scripture and “what my pastor told me” will cut NO ice at the Judgment, as my pastor
    will not be in a position to absolve me if he made in any mistakes. I don’t need a priest to tell me what God wants, ’cause He does that Himself with His Word, and He offers me the direction of His Holy Spirit in understanding that Word…I am not responsible for ritual observances God doesn’t delineate for me in His Word. I am NOT responsible for men’ traditions.

    I expect to soon see the end of the timeline known as “history”, and be a martyr in the process of that end, and I pray that I learn to go that way cheerfully, joyfully, and to obey in the meantime to a degree that what is left of life (which has been better than 95% of all of mankind’s history)is not counted a waste. I do not want to be found hiding behind someone else’s dogma, especially if the object of that dogma furthers a religious system/organization over a direct personal relationship between me and my Creator and His “only begotten” physical representation of Himself to humanity, and representative on my behalf.

    Every person, all of the time, is in danger of erecting their own creation of “God” (which is what an “idol” is), or someone else’s that looks really cool, and sincerely believing in that creation. Sincerity is no substitute for the truth. In the end, the Scriptures were written to tell me the truth, and hold me alone personally responsible before God’s righteousness.

    I get very angry to see the end of a great nation, perhaps the freest ever, but I think the anger partly comes from a sense that I/we deserve better (I don’t), or that things have spun out of control in a metaphysical sense (they haven’t, God is still the omnipotent Sovereign), or that I witness terrible injustices being done (but I am not the judge of that, am I?). King Solomon concludes his often wretched summation of the lives of men (“Vanity of vanities, all is vanity”) in Ecclesiastes by calling on us to remember our personal accountability for our lives before the Almighty; no organizations were mentioned. Because *I* repented of *my* sins and asked the forgiveness (payment in full) offered by someone who could afford to pay it, He having lived without sin, an advocate has taken up my case who is greater than any mortal or mortals’ organization. I am no longer supposed to fear Death…

  19. @Rick,

    Glad I am able to accommodate you. Although it’s funny you can’t make a rebuttal, you just pout and say how you won’t read my comments anymore..What was it that offended you so? asking you to defend your simple assessment and not taking it to heart or as gospel?

  20. jdavid,
    I agree and admire everything you had to say about what you need as a Christian. I disagree, however, on many of the things you claim to NOT need. And I disagree with your implication that Ann’s religion has somehow failed her by replacing Christ with ritual. I don’t think it has. And if we know anything about Ann, from her writings and blog posts, it’s that she does, in fact, have a deep, personal relationship with Christ that is the most important thing to her. That, I believe, is true. Is it strong enough, or mature enough to get her through the tough times? Of course not. None of us get to that point until we really need it.

    I won’t tell you what to believe about the Catholic Church, but I can tell you that if any of the things you said about it were actually true, then I would leave it, too. But in my view, all those things are exactly as Jesus insisted upon and essential to us as Christians. Perhaps not always individually, but as a whole community of Christians, absolutely, we need it. Otherwise, if there were no apostolic succession, no priests and bishops whose job it is to keep Christ’s words intact over millennia, then you would not have your “approved” translation of Holy Scripture. It is “tradition” that preserved that Scripture, and 2000 years of sacrifice to protect it. Yes, protect it even from those who would tweak it in a non approved way. I’m not just talking about Luther, but even popes who have, in their arrogance, insisted on their own interpretations and been stopped before it was too late. See Patrick Madrid’s Pope Fiction for some examples.

    Further, what ritual is essential to Catholics except for the one that Christ himself commanded: “Do this, in memory of me.” The mass is only a community meal in obedience to this command. But it means very little without the most important thing Christ asks of us, which is to “Know Him,” as you say. I think we’re on the same page with that.

  21. I’d have to agree with CSteven’s observations.

    I will also have to admit that I wish I had 1/10th of the brains, generosity or compassion for humanity that Miss Barnhardt has. I’ve never been exposed to anyone quite like her.

    @ Grunt,

    Miss Barnhardt gives a brief answer to your inquiry about Alan West in part 8 of her economic presentation. Your answer about Alan West starts after the 3 minute mark:

    In closing, I’d like to add that the joy and happiness Miss Barnhardt is experiencing is most likely measured by a different metric than the majority of people on this planet.

    Just my .02

  22. “The mass is only a community meal in obedience to this command.”

    Well, there’s my next blog post, and the entire reason, in twelve simple words, why the Novus Ordo MUST be exterminated before there will be any hope for humanity.
    After all that I have written on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Eucharist, Novus Ordoism has poor Steve convinced that the (m)ass (note the lack of capitalization) is “only a community meal”. ONLY. A. COMMUNITY. MEAL.
    There are numerous *atheists* here who, even though they don’t believe in God or His Holy Church, could now rattle off an explanation of what the Church believes and teaches, namely the Mass as the perpetual representation of Christ’s sacrifice on Calvary by the bending of time, and the Eucharist as the transubstantiated physical substance of God – Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, and thus instantly recognize Steve’s words, “only a community meal” as thoroughly, completely un-Catholic. Welcome to the “New Pentecost”… not exactly like the first one.

    Kyrie eleison. Christe eleison. Kyrie eleison.

  23. Tsunny-
    You know what? I did catch that earlier, and I was spectacularly unimpressed with that rant. Because of a few suspect votes “he’s just like all the rest of them” and only worried about his bank account. That was a lot of psychoanalyzing for somebody who hates being psychoanalyzed, herself. And the insane politicalization of Congressional voting is legendary, but that’s all his fault? Prior, she dismisses Sarah Palin completely because she stooped to paying the bills with some (perfectly unobjectionable) TV shows? That’s it??? Um, Ann, you’re paying some bills right now with PayPal. Some people will dismiss you as a sell out the same way you did Sarah, and you’ve heard that, I’m sure. I think they’re stupid for that, but WTF? You asked West, “Where are you soldier?” Well, let’s ask the same thing of you, Ann. Where are you, Maid of Lorraine? Where the hell are you now? Don’t answer. I don’t need to know. But you might have thought twice before you pronounced everyone and everything hopeless. Now you’re going to have to watch quietly as they attempt to do all the things you said were impossible. That’s not a good place to be.

  24. Ann, you’re embarrassing yourself. In response to a comment meant to defend you. But instead you pounce on a careless statement. Before the Blessed Sacrament I have laid on my face on the floor, as you have. His presence among us, in that Holy Sacrament is the most precious thing we have, but he also lives in the hearts of all sincere Christians 24/7. But somehow, whenever a Catholic speaks of the brotherhood of Christ in a way that is encouraging to non-Christians, whether it’s Pope Francis or some other dummy, like me, you pounce on the abomination. That’s really of questionable spiritual seed, there, Ann. Do I need to speculate more?

  25. She is not, nor has she ever been, my hero. I fail to understand the Ann worshippers here. It’s creepy. Kind of like Obamamania.

    I have never appreciated being lectured to by a person who sets herself up as smarter, better, more religious than thou.

    Thank you Grunt, for have the courage to buck the tide and speak some truths. I appreciate it.

  26. riverlife-callie,
    Thank you! I REALLY don’t care to rake anybody with my spurs for no good reason. I’m not trying to bring Ann down. I LIKE Ann. But Iike you, RC, this whole Ann cult went over the top with me when it started contributing to the despair we were already fighting. That’s NOT good. Especially since I really doubt her conclusions are as bombproof as people here seem to think.

    I think I get the joke, but Ann’s influence here went beyond just admiration for having the “courage to buck the tide.” She has become a leader and an advisor. As such, criticism of her is legit, right? Otherwise, I think riverlife_callie is describing the “tide” perfectly. The new “tide” here is Ann. And she may need, at some point, to be bucked. Why is that so hard for you to accept? What, because she’s cute? 😉

  27. Monte I have to agree with you here that Ann gets quite a few things dead wrong; even though Ann pointed out quite correctly about “mass is only a community meal” You did correct your meaning to my satisfaction but she did good to jump on that slip up and you deserved to be called down on it – but it was her combative nature that brought out that offense and the subsequent correction.

    I do agree with you about her faults though. Jesus was quick to point out that it was Ceasar’s image on the coin and we “should give to Ceasar what is Ceasar’s” and from that I take it that not paying any income tax at all is, for most of us anyway, ridiculous, not righteous. It is also ridiculous to think we should all “cash in our IRA’s” and now not own any stock or investments because that shitstain Corisine stole all that money. Sure there is evil in the world, so we throw a temper tantrum and throw our families into poverty by cashing in our IRA’s and doing what with it? Holding paper with George Washington’s or Lincoln’s face on it?
    Oh, no, not that, have nothing. Let there be no publicly traded companies anywhere, let there be even less free movement of capital, fewer jobs, less prosperity.

    It’s ridiculous. Your questions have merit. I get it.
    Ann is right that the commodity business is one giant fraud though. The idea that you could sell you cattle “forward” and that is some how sophisticated because some smuck who doesn’t own a slaughterhouse paid you money for your future cattle delivery because he looks at a chart and thinks he can out deal the slaughterhouse. I find it amazing that she made a living at that for several years and even tried to defend the merits of that sort of business arrangement and not see the folly of that after 3 seconds; and then from that, she concludes that you can’t ever own a partial interest in any company that produces goods and services because securities are all frauds and everybody in the securities industry is a thief.

    It is bitter and childish and it is ridiculous that she would suggest that everyone should flush their securities down the septic tank. But she has some GREAT characteristics as well.

    I get your meaning though and I hate to be negative here but somebody needs to correct some of her misconceptions, (while not dismissing the things she totally gets right)

  28. And while I’m at it, Ann drops the ball on the Pope. I read what the AP says he says, but when I go and read what he actually says, I don’t find that he is a communist or anti-capitalist. Sure he comes from a country that has no true capitalism so it is understandable that he finds fault with at least one version of that socio-capitalism he is familiar with but when I read what he actually said, it was to say that capitalism alone wasn’t the answer.

    And he clarified himself on the gays.
    Give the guy a break. He is the Pope but he is still fallible. If Ann would go and read up on the early Popes and some of their faults, and how they still didn’t commit heresy I think she would lighten up.

    The Latin mass thing is childish all the way around. Gregory the Great had the Bible translated from Aramaic to Latin (Damn, almost used a little b on Bible, caught it though) It was a huge achievement but that was because everybody spoke Latin. Nobody speaks it here today and it is ludicrous to hold that the Latin Mass is more respectful. In the beginning was The Word, but it wasn’t meant to be a foreign language then either. We need to understand it, not hear mumble jumble.

    I suspect that the articles linking the subject are typical and not accurate, likely way off base as to what is going on there.

    But the debate is ridiculous. For us, we need to hear the Word, and comprehend; not water it down or have, for that matter as Ann correctly states hear “good time touchy feely rock and roll” church services.

  29. jpm,
    Good points. I generally agree with you. And you’re right that she caught me in a big blunder with the “just a meal” statement. I was trying to make a different statement that turned into a bear trap. She’s also right that no Catholic anywhere would really believe that the Holy Mass is “just a meal.” My point was that we are celebrating that Extraordinary Meal because he commanded it. So we should not be criticized for that ritual. Not by Christians, anyway.

    I feel real horror in her response, however. Does she really believe that my slip is proof that the Novus Ordo (vernacular/English liturgy) “MUST be exterminated before there will be any hope for humanity.” Really? She’s said that many times, but besides emphasizing it really, really hard, she’s never given the tiniest bit of evidence why Novus Ordo HAS TO DIE rather than the very reasonable situation we have now where we have both.

  30. Glad to see Ann out and about in the world, interacting publicly with people online.

    Have never read a response by her to anyone ever.
    There is no way for people to comment on her thought provoking blog posts at

    Should Christians buy stock? Should Presbyterians use stock ownership as a religious litmus test?

    The intersection of Christianity and economics that Ann writes about- I wish there was a forum for her, if not on her website, then somewhere…

  31. @ M/M

    You are being kind by using “gutsy.”

    I really think “outing” someone is hitting below the belt, uncalled for and vindictive. I truly hate saying that, but truth is truth.

  32. Ann, if I or any one of us who might or might not support you financially disagrees with you, will you also out us because you would have our real names. This concerns me.

    Do you draw a line before you turn on your friends? What is that line?

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