Catching up with Corrine “Go Gatas” Brown – IOTW Report

Catching up with Corrine “Go Gatas” Brown


ACC: Another gov official caught with hand in cookie jar?

U.S. House Representative Corrine Brown, who has provided bloggers with more internet comedy gold than perhaps anyone else on Capital Hill, seems to be wandering into that oh-so-frequently-played game of “Where’s the Money?!” that so many Congressional and political leaders play.

Brown, who was elected in 1985 to represent what was (arguably) the most gerrymandered district in the nation, Florida’s 3rd Congressional District [from Wiki: “…the Florida legislature carved out a new Third Congressional District in the northern part of the state. This district was designed to enclose an African-American majority within its boundaries. A horseshoe-shaped district touching on largely African-American neighborhoods in Jacksonville, Gainesville, Orlando, and Ocala,…], has been a frequent target of ribbing due to her incoherent often nonsensical press conferences and public statements, none more so than the infamous 2009 use of her House floor time to sing the praises of the BCS Championship winning University of Florida Gator and quarterback “Tim Tivo.”

Now Brown may be headed someplace not so funny. (online presence of The Florida Times-Union) has broken a story concerning Brown’s rather nebulous ties to an equally nebulous charity, One Door for Education – Amy Anderson Scholarship Foundation.


h/t Black Tea Patriots

15 Comments on Catching up with Corrine “Go Gatas” Brown

  1. @Abigail Adams
    Your info is as faulty as your stuff regarding Cruz.

    -from his website ” and I believe that I can best serve the people of our city, our state and our nation by continuing my work in Congress,”

    He’s just not running fro U.S. Senate

    Geez, come on, get with the program and read!

  2. To gock 10mm — You’re only correct about half of your statement. Why try to smear me on this? I hastily read a headline recently that said he wasn’t running — it didn’t say for “senate”. My bad.

    Thanks for the correction. We can only hope, right?

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