Catching up with Ebola – IOTW Report

Catching up with Ebola

CDC: More Than 1,400 People in U.S. Being Actively Monitored for Ebola.

Sharyl Attkisson: The killer virus Ebola may not be front and center in the news, but it’s still in the forefront of efforts by health officials nationwide. As of today, more than 1,400 people in 44 states in the U.S. are being actively monitored by state and local health departments after returning from West Africa. The good news is that no new cases have been reported in the U.S. since Oct. 23.

According to the Centers for Disease Control, which provided the figure,

“They are being monitored because they came from one of the four countries with ongoing Ebola outbreaks.”


5 Comments on Catching up with Ebola

  1. Great. Now let’s catch up.on Obolio, too:

    “Over the last several months, the United States has experienced a nationwide outbreak of enterovirus D68 (EV-D68) associated with severe respiratory illness.”

    “From mid-August to November 20, 2014, CDC or state public health laboratories have confirmed a total of 1,121 people in 47 states and the District of Columbia with respiratory illness caused by EV-D68.*”

    “CDC has received substantially more specimens for enterovirus lab testing than usual this year, due to the large outbreak of EV-D68 and related hospitalizations.”

  2. So only 12 confirmed cases ended in death? No wait –

    “..State and local officials have the authority to determine the cause of death, including the role that EV-D68 may have played. They also have the authority to determine the appropriate information to release, and the time to release it. CDC will defer to states to provide this information.”

  3. Absolutely an example of White House manipulation of the press.

    The press are the president’s whores. But that is an insult to people who actually work. The press are more like fawning lackies. Just remember the idiotic fawning of Chuck Todd and Bob Schieffer, et al, as they interviewed the criminal president.

    My favorite adopted saying re: Obama: IMPEACH HIM HELL, THOW HIM IN JAIL.

  4. Thanks Barry,
    Thanks for turning America into Africa
    You know, those African Bees are doing so nicely here, why don’t you import some Tsetse flies and some malarial Mosquito strains so we can have get whole African experience right here?
    Maybe you can get an Elephant to ride around on.

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