Catherine Herridge testifies that CBS locked her out, seized files; was working with sources to “expose government corruption.” – IOTW Report

Catherine Herridge testifies that CBS locked her out, seized files; was working with sources to “expose government corruption.”

Reporter Catherine Herridge testifies that CBS News locked her out of the building and seized all her files, says she was working with sources to “expose government corruption.” Nothing at all going on here, folks. “CBS News’ decision to seize my reporting records crossed a red line that I believe should never be crossed by any media organization.” “Multiple sources said they were concerned that by working with me to expose government corruption and misconduct they would be identified and exposed.” “CBS News locked me out of the building and seized hundreds of pages of my reporting files, including confidential source information.” –

6 Comments on Catherine Herridge testifies that CBS locked her out, seized files; was working with sources to “expose government corruption.”

  1. Catherine Herridge is brave, feisty, and correct but she is late to the party in not recognizing the death of investigative journalism and a free press.

    The Deep State, and by this I mean the governmental arm, protects it’s own. If a journalist like Herridge goes after someone within “the family”, they will be attacked and persecuted (maybe even prosecuted). Those bodies that should protect her (congressional, justice, and the courts) have already chosen sides, she is alone in this.

    Of course the flip side is that if Trump miraculously wins this November, then anyone that retards, obstructs, delays or negates the progress of the president, he will be lionized and protected (like Milley and Powell) as true defenders of democracy, patriots standing athwart in the face of tyranny.

  2. I appreciate that she WOKE UP But she served the MSM thinking it would not bite her in the ass.
    Similarly, POS Mike Rappaport went from TDS to “I was wrong”

    These are people who will ONLY SERVE THEMSELVES.

    So conservative should USE THEM UP and then Re-spit them out because if a DemoCrap they like (think MOOCH) runs, they will return to attacking Conservatives.

    …and believe me, I still think Big Mike is their Candidate within 3-4 months.

    Cheers all.


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