Catholic Clergy and Scholars Correct Pope’s Liberal “Heresies” For First Time Since Middle Ages – IOTW Report

Catholic Clergy and Scholars Correct Pope’s Liberal “Heresies” For First Time Since Middle Ages

American Lookout: Pope Francis has been a somewhat controversial pope. People on the left get angry when he sticks to Catholic doctrine on issues like abortion. People on the right get annoyed when he wades into arguments over immigration policy.

It seems even some people in the Catholic Church take issues with him.

The National Catholic Register reports:

Clergy and Lay Scholars Issue Filial Correction of Pope Francis

A group of clergy and lay scholars from around the world have taken the very rare step of presenting Pope Francis with a formal filial correction, accusing him of propagating heresies concerning marriage, the moral life, and reception of the sacraments.

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20 Comments on Catholic Clergy and Scholars Correct Pope’s Liberal “Heresies” For First Time Since Middle Ages

  1. Don’t get me started , my ex-wife married a catholic and she had to have her marriage to me “annulled”, even though we’d been divorced for years. I was ok with that at 1st, but they started getting way to far up in my bidness because they said all my previous divorces, prior to her had to be “annulled” also, at that point I tol’em to f*#k off she was only married to me not my other exes.

  2. The pope.2 is a populist. Though he is charged with being ‘the protector of the faith’ and a (the) divine conduit to our Creator, he yields to the opinions of the flock rather than lead them on the straight and narrow path.
    And why are there 2 living popes? That ain’t right. Maybe if he gets drummed out, we’ll have 3, and if they get a bus, they could have 40. The catholic church ain’t what it once was. If they would stick to their dogma, they would do better- people are looking for that today.

  3. Nope, I’ve been widowed 21 years. It’s too late for me, I don’t want anyone to have to take care of me in my old age(or vice versa). That’s suppose to be eased into over years, not married into.


    This bureaucratic arguing and bickering is not the system Jesus left behind, established, or wanted.

    THEY MAKE SHIT UP AS THEY GO ALONG, just like all top-heavy political systems do.

    ▪️Pope is infallible
    ▪️$15 billion in liquid assets while ppl starve
    ▪️Boy rape
    ▪️You give a 10% tithe
    ▪️Gay orgies
    ▪️Welthy priests
    ▪️Church encourages you to hurt yourself, and offer pain up to God.
    ▪️Meaningless repetitive prayers the Bible says God disapproves of.
    ▪️Fine silk garments with golden chalices to drink from.

    Is this the religion of a penniless carpenter?

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