Catholic Clergy: Making Themselves Irrelevant – IOTW Report

Catholic Clergy: Making Themselves Irrelevant

American Thinker: The beliefs of the Catholic Church are defined by two thousand years of careful writings and a slow process of understanding the revealed truths.  This has brought us our Catechism, our Creed, encyclicals such as Humanae Vitae, and other solid references which provide a foundation for living well, especially in stressful times.  One role of the clergy is to guide us Catholics in these teachings.

The Church is not defined by whatever a priest in Paducah happens to say on Tuesday, and its faithful are under no obligation to take direction from misguided clergy.  But how do we determine when to ignore?  For Catholics using their rational minds and their God-given free will, it’s been happening for centuries.  Some (unfortunately) leave the church altogether, some walk to the next parish over, and some simply ignore the bad advice and view their priest as just a delivery vehicle for the sacraments.  Sadly, what we’re seeing now is an unprecedented amount of incompetence, and it exists at all levels of the church.

Let’s start at the top. 

11 Comments on Catholic Clergy: Making Themselves Irrelevant

  1. all the writings, understandings and deep thoughts seem wasted when they have to apologize for the “spiritual” leader. My sons gf is rc and he doesnt go with her because it reminds his of wealth and ceremony. i told him there is much good in the rc church (I dont attend one). The writings and research and thought dating back to when they were a part of the orthodox church and beyond are rich with knowledge. Almost as good as the Jews.

  2. The church, like government, the police, courts, military, and the news, have strayed so far from their original intent, the people that now occupy those institutions don’t seem to notice the difference.

  3. The writer said we will ride it out. That’s what we’re doing, trusting in the words of Our Lord in Matthew 16:18-19. “and the gates of hell shall not prevail.” To all the Catholic haters here, and there are plenty of you, go ahead and find the biggest stick you can find. Beat us over the head. Hope you feel better.

  4. There is Religion and there is Faith.
    The human religious institutions have been railroaded for military, political and nefarious purposes many times, throughout History. All religions. Humans are fallible.
    Charlatans, egomaniacs, wicked despots, sex freaks…. nothing new under the Sun.

    Many exquisite writings do exist for the devoted and the curious. Your Salvation is your responsibility.

  5. If you wanna smear the Church of Rome because you call them “enemy”, good on ya. If you wanna get at some kind of truth, remember that the Church of Rome is like the American Republicans. Some of them are just Satanists with a “good” gig. You can usually sort them pretty well by the gig they’ve got (Catholics, Republicans, and Satanists).

  6. I just ordered a copy of God Alone – The Collected Writings of St. Louis Marie de Montfort.

    Considering contemporary Catholic clergy more or less irrelevant over the years has been of great value in me never having doubted my faith. We have a pretty solid priest, we attend Mass at a Benedictine Abbey and that, to a degree, helps.


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