Catholic groups fund illegals hopping the border – IOTW Report

Catholic groups fund illegals hopping the border

WND– Pity the poor Roman Catholic who tries to make sense of what is going on in their Church on the issue of illegal aliens. Essentially, I’m talking about the mass movement of illegals into this country across our southern border.

For anyone not paying attention, just the mention of this issue brings a blank look. They have no idea what I’m talking about, but anyone with a modicum of interest in current news knows just what is happening.

There is a terrible problem with illegal immigration into the U.S. – and there is a connection between that and the Catholic Church.

The Church has historically favored immigrants, and in fact, early last year, Pope Francis gave a half million dollars to help Central American migrants who were aiming for illegal entry into the United States.

The pope also spoke strongly against Donald Trump because he favored building a wall on our border. Francis inferred that Trump was not a Christian because he favored a wall. more

20 Comments on Catholic groups fund illegals hopping the border

  1. When I was a kid in catechism class 100 or so years ago, they always had these waxed cardboard boxes on the tables for donations. They had illustrations of various exotic-sounding places on them like “Ethiopia”, “Costa Rica”, “Somalia”, “China”, and the like, and images of presumably the etiolated denizens therefrom, folks of interesting hues dressed in rags with big ol’ ET eyes staring desperately at the room full of corn-fed American kids goofing when they are supposed to be learning the Mysteries and rebuking us for not finishing all of our dinners last night.

    Mom usually kicked in some coin for us to put in the boxes.

    That was a long time ago, and I notice that famine, desperation, and ET eyed children dressed in rags still exist in such places.

    Either the Catholic charities to which these funds went completely misunderstood the roots of these problems, used the money for purposes other than the ones stated on the boxes, or both.

    …given what we know of Catholic charities now, I’m gonna go with “both”…

  2. Frannie is a evil man.
    Pure evil.
    He protects pedos.
    Sides with the CCP.
    Catholic Charities is the largest sex trafficers on the US Southern Border.

    QUESTION: What do you call a secret society cult of gay men who wear fancy hats and long flowing dress like robes?

    ANSWER: The Catholic Church

  3. ^^^SNS, charities, ask Donny about charities, his charities, ask why none of his Whole family can never ever be envolved in ANY charities in the state of New York, shyster/snake oil comes to mind. Melania Trump is being investigated right now for running a non-existent/non-registered charity in Florida.

  4. @SNS: Those coins your Mom gave to you to plop into the guilt box at school, to appease your hatred for liver and onions at dinner (that would be me too):

    Elderly Nun Gets A Year In Prison For Embezzling $835K From School To Fund Vegas Jaunts

    Here’s a couple more saintly nuns accused of embezzling money to pay for their gambling habits:

    The Archdiocese of Los Angeles alleges two nuns, a school principal and a teacher stole $500,000 since 2006.

    At least it stayed in the US…..

  5. Do they still use those wicker baskets with the 10-foot handles? You know, the ones the guy would stick in your face from the aisle to make you cough up the green? He’d pause there while everyone watched. 🙄😯

    No “passing the hat” (or the basket) at Catholic services I attended as a kid. It was well known that slight of hand people could remove money from it and make it look like they had contributed. Don’t ask me how I know this! 😈

  6. The worst that is going to become of these illegal aliens (men of military age) is going to be an epidemic of organized crime that’ll spill onto the streets of suburbia.

  7. Catholic Charities is a tax exempt enterprise that takes government money to rebrand illegal immigration as corporal works of mercy.

    True Christians do not entice the poor and the persecuted to leave their families and their homeland. They become missionaries and help them improve their lot, physically and spiritually, where they live.

  8. Have commented he a few times years ago about 2 friends I had who were Venezuelan refuges. They fled Hugo’s bloody, brutal, deadly “peaceful election” (THEY CALLED IT A COUP) . Hugo’s men killed 25,000 and tortured and imprisoned (a la our own 1/6/ conservative in DC) 300,000. The head of SJ came in and blessed the bloodshed and brutality saying
    “they got what they deserved” He also blessed Fidel. This long time (SJ has always believed in “the mailed fist”, still do.) about 11 years later this life long Commie got “the white smoke”!

    My friends told me 20 years ago they were giving “levoing the church” a lot of thought!

    TODAY’S POPE HAS ALWQYS BEEN A COMMIE! Hated freedom! Serf should let their betters do their thinking.

    if you bless Fidel and Hugo; OF COURSE HOU DENIGRATE DON!

  9. Little Morphin’ Annie FEBRUARY 14, 2022 AT 3:52 PM

    “True Christians do not entice the poor and the persecuted to leave their families and their homeland. They become missionaries and help them improve their lot, physically and spiritually, where they live.”


    Spot on.

  10. “QUESTION: What do you call a secret society cult of gay men who wear fancy hats and long flowing dress like robes?”

    University Dons?
    ACLU Steering Committee?
    Central Committees of the AFT and NEA?
    NYT Board of Directors?
    WaPo Editorial Staff?
    The Lutheran Synod?
    The Episcopalian Synod?
    The School Board?
    Demonrat Party Central Committee?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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