Catholic University Student Government Wastes More Time Voting On Birth Control – IOTW Report

Catholic University Student Government Wastes More Time Voting On Birth Control

Hypeline News: Saint Louis University (SLU) is a Catholic university in St. Louis, Missouri. As a Catholic university, it has to adhere to Catholic teachings, including in the way it runs its wellness center. Like other Catholic schools, such as Loyola and DePaul, the wellness center does not prescribe birth control, unless it is for non-contraceptive purposes. In order to maintain the ability to call itself “Catholic”, the school has to follow this rule, along with many others.

Yet, the student government at SLU recently passed a resolution in support of more access to birth control through the school.  more here

5 Comments on Catholic University Student Government Wastes More Time Voting On Birth Control

  1. Re the classic from Bill Whittle a few posts back:

    “Poke, poke, poke, poke, poke,poke, poke, poke, poke, poke,poke,poke, poke, poke, poke,……..
    They are lucky it is a Christian institution they are poking at, or there just could be a punch back.

  2. “a resolution in support of more access to birth control through the school”

    just like this “token” vote let the university give voice to a “token” “resolution in “support” of “more access” to birth control” by telling the girls to keep their knees together at all times.
    they should quit “man spreading” for every man they meet.

    all they want is “support” not actual “more access”, right ?

  3. President to Student Government Representatives: In response to your silly resolution you are all now free to pursue your indoctrination at any other university, trade school or McDonald’s of your choosing!

  4. In a Fred Meyer/Fry’s store a few days ago. They have a new sign that says the Pharmacist can now prescribe birth control. Those whiney brats need their worthless asses kicked. It’s up to the spoiled whiney brats to take care of their own birth control.

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