CAUGHT ON TAPE: Bill Clinton Tells Alleged Mistress to Deny He Got Her State Job – IOTW Report

CAUGHT ON TAPE: Bill Clinton Tells Alleged Mistress to Deny He Got Her State Job

NEW YORK – Speaking in a series of recorded phone conversations in 1991 with his alleged mistress Gennifer Flowers, Bill Clinton can be heard telling Flowers to deny that he aided her in obtaining a state job.

Breitbart: “If they ever asked if you’d talked to me about it, you can say no,” Clinton can be heard saying in the audio.

Clinton was referring to news media inquiries about Flowers’ alleged affair with Clinton and Flowers’ concern that the media could raise questions about how she landed her job as administrative assistant for the Arkansas Appeal Tribunal.

Clinton can also be heard advising Flowers on how to handle a grievance filed by a woman who applied for the same position and alleged that she was more qualified that Flowers. The complainant implied that Flowers was only hired because of her alleged relationship with Clinton.

From December 1990 to December 1991, Flowers famously recorded a series of conversations with Clinton during the period he was Governor of Arkansas and considering a run for the presidency.

On October 1991, Clinton announced his bid for the Oval Office, with rumors of extramarital affairs threatening to derail his campaign.  LISTEN

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