Caused By Global Warming – IOTW Report

Caused By Global Warming

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4 Comments on Caused By Global Warming

  1. It’s a shame that the pope is a gullible, socialist dupe, but I guess his moronic comments do take attention away from all the sex scandals the Catholic church has had to weather over the last several decades, not that it’s helping any.

  2. Pope Francis the Talking Ass is a scourge and a chastisement on the Church for falling into sin and turning her face away from God.

    For embracing perversion, child sacrifice, murder, mayhem, chaos, and guitar mass.

  3. I’ve said it here before but it looks like my Dad was right when he said years ago that any “Jesuit-run school was a Trade School for Goddamned Communists!”

    Until Pope Francis formally excommunicates Nancy Pelosi and Greezy Joe Biden, I am not going to listen to a damned thing he says.

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