Cavuto: How does it feel to be dismissed, CNN? Fox News – IOTW Report

Cavuto: How does it feel to be dismissed, CNN? Fox News

 You tell ’em, Neil!  Payback’s a beeotch!

14 Comments on Cavuto: How does it feel to be dismissed, CNN? Fox News

  1. Bravo!

    He’s talking right now about some silly backlash he received form this….I bet he loves liberal tears as much as the rest of us. Mwhahahahahahaha Most were great reactions thought

  2. note to jim acosta

    you fucked up dude, and i for one am indebted to you being an arrogant asshole and dnc partisan news hack

    where were you during the past 8 yrs of needed obama scrutiny over the failures, scandals, and stomping on the constitution

    where have you been on the subject of your chosen incompetent hillary and the obvious corruption, lies, and delusional campaign

    go straight to hell, i hope that spicer kicks your punk ass to the curb, and that others take note

    welcome to the new world, jackass

  3. It should not be enough to note that the Left acted outside the rules and indecently abused power, it should be punctuated that with these usurped powers to do what they would, it is what they did that harmed us all.
    IOW, despite that they shouldn’t have had the latitude to run amok, they did, and it sucked for us all. TRILLIONS in debt were racked up and yet they are the ones whining about neglected infrastructure, education, yada, yada….

  4. Cavuto makes the mistake of legitimizing CNN.

    He equates Obama’s ideological, unfounded attacks of Fox
    with the willfully propogated fake news (formerly known as outright PROPAGANDA).

    Obama wanted to silence Fox for ideological purposes.
    Trump shines sunlight on the lies of CNN.

    BIG difference.

    Sure it *feels* good to neener neener CNN…
    …but to say in effect that Trump
    is treating CNN just as Obama treated Fox
    is an insult to Fox…and an insulting untruth to Trump.

  5. Sorry Neil, the CNN guy was not treated unfairly. He received the treatment that has been earned by CNN. A big different with how FNC was treated unfairly by Obunga. Who was upset that FNC more often than others told the truth about him.

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