CBO: At Least 4.5M Anchor Babies in U.S. – IOTW Report

CBO: At Least 4.5M Anchor Babies in U.S.

At Least.

Breitbart:  There are an estimated 4.5 million United States-born children who were given birthright citizenship despite at least one of their parents being an illegal alien.

These children are commonly known as “anchor babies,” as they are able to eventually bring an unlimited number of foreign relatives to the U.S. through the process known as “chain migration.”

A new Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report reveals the extent to which the illegal alien population in the U.S. has had children that are given automatic citizenship simply for being born within the borders of the country.

According to the CBO, there are 4.5 million anchor babies in the U.S. under the age of 18-years-old. This estimate does not include the potentially millions of anchor babies who are older than 18-years-old.

Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) Director of Policy Jessica Vaughan told Breitbart News that there are more anchor babies than estimated because the CBO data does not include the U.S.-born children who have departed the country when their parents were deported. Vaughan said these anchor babies can still eventually return to the U.S. as citizens and sponsor foreign relatives through chain migration. read more here


14 Comments on CBO: At Least 4.5M Anchor Babies in U.S.

  1. We need to throw the anchor brats overboard this was a plan from day one to get more democrat voters into this country. I would enact a law that they can’t vote for 100 years. The left would shit a brick.

  2. A brother or sister, hell I guarantee there is a dozen of them! There is NO REASON for us as a nation to be committing NATIONAL SUICIDE!! Do we want to be like the fucking Euro’s? Hell No!

  3. This has been going on for decades. I remember watching a television program on this subject back in the 1960s. It showed a birthing clinic in El Paso, Texas that only served pregnant Mexicans. Some of the women could barely waddle into the place. They all left with an anchor baby that had an American birth certificate. The point of the program was that our immigration system was broken. That was more than fifty years ago.

  4. There is no such th/ing as an Anchor baby. illiterates misinterpret what it says.
    To be a citizen one has to be born in the US AND be subject to the jurisdiction. Idiots ignore every word after and. being born here does not grant automatic citizenship unless the parents are subject to the jurisdiction.
    racing across the border to have a kid, sorry that does not qualify!

  5. Extirpates

    Unfortunately, far too few people know or understand this fact. Still all our politicians and media keep selling the lie.

    Start at 1960. If you can’t trace legal parentage back till then, out you go.

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