CBS Calls Kamala Out for Stealing Biden’s Delegates – IOTW Report

CBS Calls Kamala Out for Stealing Biden’s Delegates

You Were Handed the Nomination, No Primary, No Votes.’

6 Comments on CBS Calls Kamala Out for Stealing Biden’s Delegates

  1. They make up the rules as they go according to their perception of what is most advantageous at the time. Unfortunately for her, the media is abandoning ship and is no longer there to label anything that doesn’t support the narrative as disinformation.

  2. It’s getting to the point that a critical mass of Democrats dislike her as much as they dislike Trump. Whether they actively dislike her enough to vote for Trump is doubtful. But they may stay home and not vote at all, and she’s probably deep underwater with independent voters.

    The steal is getting tougher every day, and Democrats had better hope there are a lot of early Harris voters out there who found out they can’t go back on the New Way Forward now.

    And if you squint, you can see the faint outline of a “You ain’t black” thought balloon over Bill Whitaker’s head. That may be the biggest problem of all for Kamala.


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