CBS CEO Les Moonves Will Step Down Following New Sexual Harassment Allegations and Lawsuit Settlement – IOTW Report

CBS CEO Les Moonves Will Step Down Following New Sexual Harassment Allegations and Lawsuit Settlement

CTH: Three hours after Ronan Farrow in The New Yorker outlined another six women coming forward with harassment claims against the embattled chief executive of CBS, bringing the total number of accusers to twelve, CBS unofficially reports a deal reached with CEO Leslie Moonves and his exit from the media company.  An official announcement is expected on Monday.

The CBS Corporation was already in litigation over control of the organization with the controlling shareholder Shari Redstone.  more here

4 Comments on CBS CEO Les Moonves Will Step Down Following New Sexual Harassment Allegations and Lawsuit Settlement

  1. Better to quit now and be blamed now for “just” sexual harassment
    than wait around to be caught up in and arrested for involvement in child sex trafficking orgs.


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