CBS Executive Les Moonves Reportedly On His Way Out After Sexual Misconduct Allegations – IOTW Report

CBS Executive Les Moonves Reportedly On His Way Out After Sexual Misconduct Allegations

Daily Caller:

The CBS board is reportedly negotiating a hefty settlement with CEO Les Moonves, who was accused of sexual misconduct in August.

Six women told The New Yorker in a bombshell report last month that Moonves sexually harassed them and others alleged that the company was covering up the abuse.

According to a report by CNBC, the board of CBS is trying to get rid of Moonves and temporarily replace him with COO Joe Ianniello.

Moonves is due $180 million in severance and a production deal per his contract, but the board is currently offering him approximately $100 million — almost all of which would be in CBS stock.

CNBC’s sources also said the board reserves the right to reduce the severance package if the allegations against Moonves are confirmed.

Moonves started working at CBS in July 1985 as the president of CBS Entertainment and became CEO of CBS in February 2016.

9 Comments on CBS Executive Les Moonves Reportedly On His Way Out After Sexual Misconduct Allegations

  1. How this talent-less trash brought his talent-less trash “wife” through 33 years is the prime example of MSM mind-melding. I don’t care wish one of these 2 do not survive “Survivor” or Big Brother. Only wish it had been during a McCain “wet start”. Don’t even get me going on Sumner Redstone (born Murray Rothstein)! I’m not anti-Semitic, I never felt it was necessary for someone to alter their given name due to self-loathing,,(David Gregory, John Stewart, John Oliver, Chuck Todd, Brian Williams). If you have 2 first names in the media, 99% of the time you hate yourself. I’d add Bill Maher but he was screwed from the start with a cross religion Mom and Dad. No wonder he’s an anesthetist.

  2. Hard core leftist scumbag and political power broker hitting the curb. Hopefully he’ll get Arkancided too (he knows way too much). This is a long time coming and should have happened the moment they disproved Dan Rather’s fake dossier on Bush.

  3. The left created the #meToo campaign because they thought President Trump would get caught up in it. Instead, all these left-wing icons have been devoured by the monster they created. Poetic justice.

  4. @MJA
    I always figure that they work really hard in the start of their careers and once they gain clout and wiggle room, they start throwing their weight around and just dish out orders and make demands and spend their newly found free time partaking in their depravities.


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