CBS Fact Checks Itself – IOTW Report

CBS Fact Checks Itself

CBS Broadcast Associate caught on undercover footage discussing how he gets around journalism procedures and standards by using sources from his own network to verify information in their reporting. James O’Keefe then gives the CBS associate an opportunity to clarify his comments in an interview shown here. #ExposeCBS

8 Comments on CBS Fact Checks Itself

  1. So, the ‘alphabet’ news networks use Alphabet to self-verify their stories.

    Just in case there’s anyone here who doesn’t know who Alphabet is, don’t bother GOOGLE-ing it. It IS GOOGLE.

    What a system! The tech giants (and not just GOOGLE) simultaneously write and verify the news for the fake news companies.

    And the tech giants are controlled by the U.S. Government.

    This is the ONE THING that a majority of Americans HAVE to understand before it’s too late.

  2. SOP since the world went from “reporting” to “journalism.”

    The words, themselves, are meaningful: “reporters” reported what they had uncovered, whereas “journalists” maintain journals of their narratives (or the narratives imposed by their political masters).

    Every treason is obvious. As is every lie. As is every fraud.
    We see what we choose to see and hear what we choose to hear.
    Sadly, many of us can no longer distinguish facts from lies, we are so mal-educated and indoctrinated that we are unable to think clearly – unable to use logic and reason to reach conclusions. Too many of us are as conditioned as Pavlov’s dogs.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. I’m supposed to be concerned about the concern? Of gibbering tards that thought gibbered it was otherwise? Because faith gibbering?

    I’ll get right on that. Have faith. Tards.

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