CBS fires vice president who said Vegas victims didn’t deserve sympathy because country music fans ‘often are Republican’ – IOTW Report

CBS fires vice president who said Vegas victims didn’t deserve sympathy because country music fans ‘often are Republican’


CBS has parted ways with one of the company’s top lawyers after she said she is “not even sympathetic” to victims of the Las Vegas shooting because “country music fans often are Republican,” when discussing the tragic mass shooting that occurred in Las Vegas late Sunday night.

“This individual, who was with us for approximately one year, violated the standards of our company and is no longer an employee of CBS. Her views as expressed on social media are deeply unacceptable to all of us at CBS. Our hearts go out to the victims in Las Vegas and their families,” a CBS spokeswoman told Fox News.


Hayley Geftman-Gold, the network’s now-former vice president and senior counsel, took to Facebook after a gunman opened fire at the Route 91 Harvest Music Festival in Las Vegas, killing at least 58 people and sending more than 500 others to hospitals.

“If they wouldn’t do anything when children were murdered I have no hope that Repugs [sic] will ever do the right thing,” Geftman-Gold wrote in a now-deleted message that was first reported and captured by The Daily Caller.

Geftman-Gold continued: “I’m actually not even sympathetic bc [sic] country music fans often are Republican gun toters [sic].”  MORE


h/t JR

44 Comments on CBS fires vice president who said Vegas victims didn’t deserve sympathy because country music fans ‘often are Republican’

  1. THIS is why normal Americans DESPISE the liberal media. I’ll bet they pulled her into the CBS office and said, “Look, we agree with you totally, but we’re gonna have to let you go, anyway. But, call us if you want a reference!”

  2. Lady you just don’t get it, country music has always been and always will be the heart and soul of America. If you don’t like Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard, Hank Williams Sr., Willie Nelson, Emmy Lou Harris, Don Williams, Waylon Jennings etc. then you don’t know the real America. Pity, their music is far better than almost all of the new crap they call music nowadays especially rap and hip hop and the insipid pop music played today. Other than Mumford and Sons most of new music sucks and even their music has roots in Americana and country music.

  3. And she is radioactive now as far as a job goes. The net will be watching her and any prospective employers and their customers will get a full package on this slag.

  4. I’m not liberal but I love all kinds of music from Celtic to jazz, good old r&b, the blues, 50’s thru 70’s music and even classical music like Beethoven, Mozart, Bach, Handel etc. All music is good except for the abomination of hip hop and crap music. And disco and soul music, we used to have quite the contest in the barracks between the white guys playing our music and the black guys playing their music just to annoy one another back in the 70’s.

  5. Handy — it’s worse than that. It looks like she has THREE last names. Look at the Daily Caller link, which snapshots her Facebook page:
    “Hayley Geftman-Gold (Hayley Lattman)”
    The FB page says she’s “VP, Senior Counsel, Strategic Transactions at CBS”.

  6. Perspective here: since 1764 there have been 534 people murdered in a school where a gun was present. Those are raw numbers; for example in 1764 a nut walked into a school shot the teacher and used hand weapons to finish off 9 kids but there was a gun so we will put the full tally of 10. Also, there was on case where the kid murdered grand-Mama and grand-Papa then went to school shot a few kids, a teachers and a security guard before offing himself- total dead 10 but not all where at the school and not all kids but for the sake of argument we will call it 10 killed during a school shooting. Now, we are not going to take into count Bath Michigan because that pissed off farmer who murdered 44 kids used TNT but we will count all collage shootings (so the Tower sniper in Texas to the community collage in Oregan and everything in between). Tally up every single “school shooting” and being as liberal with the body count as possible you will come up with 534.

    This POS VP at CBS news has her panties in a twist over over ‘kids being murdered’ at what can only be surmised as a reference to school shootings (which, using liberal numbers only comes in at 534)and she is fine with Republicans being shot. She has ZERO problem with Kermit Gosnell who has a body count in the thousands. (There were abortion doctors that testified at Gosnell’s trial who had preformed over 15k, that would be 15,000 abortions. The town I grew up in was 3,500. Think about that one doctor murdering more than 4 times the population of the town I grew up in.) This is just the micro level of stupid from libtards like this lady.

    Another Mirco level of stupid from this POS… Chicago. More people are slain each year in the streets of Chicago than all the combined school (K-College) shooting deaths in the country since before it was a country to this present day. Where is the outrage Haley Geftman-Gold?

    And then there is the macro level of libtardness… how many abortions since Roe… well over 50 million and climbing. There are literal rivers of blood from the left and they want to shred the constitution over what would be a slow month for Chicago. … Average murdered per month in Chicago- 95. Could you imagine the back flips and high fives that would be going around in Chicago if, for the month, they only had 58 murdered?

    The powers that be at CBS have missed the point. They have a work environment that not only hired this kind of liberal fascist but they have a work environment where a V.P. thinks she can speak these ideas out loud and it will only score her points in the cool crowd. CBS needs to fire the whole division and start over. Maybe not focus so much Journalism degree- for we have seen that degree has the same value as an over flowing Port-a-potty on a hot July day in wherever Georgia or a Dan Rather special report the weekend before the national election- whichever gives one a more repulsed visual picture is what I’m driving at here people.

    The best thing I ever did was get ride of commercial TV.

  7. ““If they wouldn’t do anything when children were murdered I have no hope that Repugs [sic] will ever do the right thing,” Geftman-Gold wrote in a now-deleted message that was first reported and captured by The Daily Caller…..”

    She is likewise willingly ignoring that it’s the DemonRat party that supports the murders of the most innocent in the execution death houses aka Planned Parenthood Clinics.

    Fairly attractive on the outside, and yet totally unattractive, and repulsive on the inside.
    Is that a dark soul or soulless ?

  8. So? Has CBS had an epiphany? They’ll be firing all the other people they hired because of the exact same, the exact same, indicators that made them choose Ms. Geftman-Gold over all the other choices they had available? Or is the fault that they’ll now have to run through the same list again to find the “same as Ms. Geftman-Gold,” but the coin came up heads instead of tails? Oh, bother.

  9. The only reason CBS fired her ass is because of the comments on their FB page and people calling their corporate HQ. If no one had responded she’d still be there tomorrow. CBS’s non-apology is a gutless defense of their “values.” Now, if that isn’t bullshit, I don’t know what is!

    (my apologies for the profanity — the idea that ANY media corporation in America has “values” is disgustingly laughable)

  10. Well, I’m elated that you were fired Hayley Geftman-Gold, you had it going for you but your mouth kept going. You had that fancy title behind your name and you were well paid. Some leftie organization will hire you for far less than what you were making at CBS. Sweet!

  11. Everyone should be screenshotting Twitter and facebook for these fux all day long and tracking them down to their businesses and demanding their executive offices to speak to their comments.

    That’s what they’d be doing to you.

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