CBS Ousted CEO Les Moonves Will Not Receive $120 Million Severance – IOTW Report

CBS Ousted CEO Les Moonves Will Not Receive $120 Million Severance

DC: CBS announced Monday that former CEO Les Moonves, who is accused of sexual assault and harassment, violated his employment contract and will not receive $120 million in severance.

Moonves resigned in early September after a dozen women came forward with serious allegations of sexual assault and harassment against the media mogul.

CBS’ board of directors hired an independent group of investigators to look into the claims against Moonves and to determine whether they would be forced to pay out a $120 million severance payment per his contract with the company. MORE

11 Comments on CBS Ousted CEO Les Moonves Will Not Receive $120 Million Severance

  1. ‘CBS’ board of directors hired an independent group of investigators to look into the claims’
    So it’s all good,
    talent-less S’bags paid off,non-news
    No Offense meant MJA
    Just only important to CBS so they can keep paying Gayle King.

  2. …some of the accusers say he forced them to perform oral sex on him and used physical violence and intimidation to keep them from coming forward.

    I don’t know about you, but I don’t believe ONE WORD of this! “Forced?” Really? Women don’t have powerful jaws with 32 teeth? Sounds like that never happened.

    With women lying and performing grand HOAXES seemingly by the minute now, their credibility is zero.

  3. He’s likely the scum they claim and guilty as charged or that big severance package would be fought over vigorously.
    However their is an uneven playing field, as an example we have Blazey Ford slinging accusations and walking away with millions.

  4. …not that I have any love for Les Moonves, but I think it should give us pause that the word is “Accused”, not “Proven” or “Convicted”. Anyone can make an accusation. Just ask Justice Kavenaugh how THAT works. But as long as we think it’s perfectly normal and acceptable to take people’s property, break up their families, and ruin their lives based on “accused”, then we are going to lose a lot of GOOD people along with the BAD to people who may have a personal ax to grind and find this a great way to do it in the current political environment, as @Mithrandir and @gin blossom allude to above.

    Moonves SHOULD be given at LEAST as much due process as Jim Acosta is required to get. Not for HIS sake, but for that of RULE OF LAW.

    …unless you really think “we HAVE to believe women”, and that women can NEVER be nasty, spiteful, vindictive creatures, especially when scorned, that is…

  5. I’d settle for CBS announcers mentioning it in their perpetual #MeToo parade.

    Norah, Gayle and the rest never utter the names Moonves or Charlie Rose or the Bull guy. But Avenatti accusations? 24/7 coverage.

    There is no liberal innocence on issues of sexual harassment or racism. They project and indict from on high without any presumption of innocence and with malice aforethought.

    They deserve the same until they stop doing it. But they won’t. So they don’t. Fuck ’em.

  6. @Supernightshade December 18, 2018 at 8:38 am

    > Moonves SHOULD be given at LEAST as much due process as Jim Acosta is required to get.

    Moonves chose to play along to get along.
    Not like Kavanaugh.
    Not even like Acosta.

    When you tell people you know are corrupt, “I trust you to do the right thing.”, and hand them a knife, the wounds to your back are your own fault.

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