CBS: Pennsylvania voters call Democrats ‘Out of Touch’ and ‘Desperate’ – IOTW Report

CBS: Pennsylvania voters call Democrats ‘Out of Touch’ and ‘Desperate’

NTK: A focus group of Pennsylvania voters conducted by CBS News’ John Dickerson found that voters in the key swing state felt that Democrats are out of touch with the American people. Voters also expressed their displeasure with Democrats obsession with Russia.

“I’ve been a Democrat all my life. I think the Democrats – not only are they out of touch – they have no interest in correcting the situation,” one focus group participant told Dickerson. Furthermore, that same participant complained that Democrats are weakly arguing they don’t occupy the White House “because of Putin or because of WikiLeaks.”

The same participant added that the only thing people learned from WikiLeaks was that Hillary Clinton and the Democratic National Committee were lying to the American people about favoring Clinton over Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

Dickerson then asked the group if there are any stories that they found to not be important and that they are tired of hearing about.

“We will go with Russia, okay? Because that was one of the things that is driving me absolutely mad,” another member of the focus group told Dickerson.   Watch


10 Comments on CBS: Pennsylvania voters call Democrats ‘Out of Touch’ and ‘Desperate’

  1. The Democrat party they were once a part of has been co-opted by splinter special interest groups, progressives and hard core socialists. The party of Democrats of long ago no longer exists.

    Yet they still call themselves democrat and will vote accordingly, even though the party no longer represents their desires, values and personal beliefs.

    Lemmings, senseless lemmings, unwittingly playing a significant role in destroying our Republic.

  2. The former Democrat party is now the new CPUSA.
    White democrats with jobs, and nice suburban “liberals”, have been excluded completely.
    Many realize it already. The rest will soon, as the BLM/LaRaza/Antifa hard left moonbatttery continues under Perez and Ellison.


  3. Smart dems are running away from this party of thugs and creeps. Unfortunately, none of them are my democrat neighbors. True believers still, one and all.

  4. According to the liberal narrative, Vladimir Putin essentially influenced the US election by releasing the truth. Think about that for a minute. All the Russian bogeyman had to do was release truthful information by and about Clinton in order to affect the election. No propaganda, no lies, no inflated claims, not even any spin – just unrefuted and unaltered emails and documents that Hillary and the DNC tried to bury.

    In a sane democratic society, this would be the function of the US media. Instead, the MSM blames Putin for actually doing the MSM’s job. If Putin ever leaves office, he has a job heading up CNN ready for him.

  5. Remember the most famous quote attributed to Kennedy? “Ask not what your country can do for you….”?

    No elected Demoslime believes that today. That’s the problem. Kennedy was still of an individualist mindset. Today, they’re all communitarians….communists.

  6. Headline: CBS: Pennsylvania voters call Democrats ‘Out of Touch’ and ‘Desperate’

    Alternate Headline: CBS: Pennsylvania voters call CBS ‘Out of Touch’ and ‘Desperate’

    Feel free to substitute any media outlet for CBS.

  7. the one thing you can learn from history is that it’s not the democrats out of touch but the voters in PA.

    watch any msm outlet and you will see that’s what they think.

  8. As a Pennsylvania voter I think that democrats (all of the time) and republicans (most of the time) are both out of touch.

    In the areas where repubs are in control they have proven to be just as corrupt as the dimmos are.

    What pisses me off is that I have been a registered independent for 15 years and each election cycle if i give money to a repub candidate they act like I’m there little bitch from then on.

    Just like I’d never vote for Nancy Pelosi I’d never vote for Paul Ryan either.

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