CBS Producer Who Wants to ‘Punish’ Unvaxxed Americans Once Claimed ‘Vaccines Don’t Work’ – IOTW Report

CBS Producer Who Wants to ‘Punish’ Unvaxxed Americans Once Claimed ‘Vaccines Don’t Work’

National Pulse;

ACBS News producer shaming unvaccinated Americans and appearing to call for the punishment of athletes abstaining from the COVID-19 jabs previously declared “vaccines don’t work” in a 2013 tweet, The National Pulse can reveal.

In yet another sign that the cult of COVID vaccinations is more political than scientific, Christopher Brito – who has been with the corporate news network since 2017 – unleashed on fellow Americans despite his previous assertions about the efficacy of vaccines.

Brito works as a Sports and Culture as well as Social Media Producer for CBS News, and appears to have written over 1,000 articles for the entity, including pieces focusing on COVID-19 vaccines, mandates, and opposition.


10 Comments on CBS Producer Who Wants to ‘Punish’ Unvaxxed Americans Once Claimed ‘Vaccines Don’t Work’

  1. So inquiring minds want to know: why does anyone treat the Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media (so obviously acting as the Propaganda arm of the demmunist party) with any modicum of credibility???

  2. Maybe we should punish CBS producers and reporters who spread lies and misinformation???
    2 days to flatten the curve.
    Vaccinated can’t spread it.
    3rd 4th boosters, maybe more.
    Vaccine doesn’t cause blood clots.
    mandates… Papers…..

    How death? Punishment enough?


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