CBS reporter finally asks Joe Biden about Hunter’s emails – IOTW Report

CBS reporter finally asks Joe Biden about Hunter’s emails

Biden got snippy.

Just The News:

Joe Biden snapped Friday evening at a TV reporter who became the first to directly ask about reported emails suggesting his son Hunter cashed in overseas on the former vice president’s name.

The exchange occurred outside Biden’s private jet after a campaign event in Michigan when the Democratic nominee stopped for questions by reporters. CBS News reporter Bo Erickson asked about a New York Post article two days earlier about the purported emails.

“Mr. Biden, what is your response to the New York Post story about your son, sir?” Erickson asked. 

“I know you’d ask it,” the former vice president retorted. “I have no response, it’s another smear campaign, right up your alley, those are the questions you always ask.” more

22 Comments on CBS reporter finally asks Joe Biden about Hunter’s emails

  1. Pedo is spooked, his declining brain probably did not even understand the context of the question, just a visceral violent reaction of a man with dementia when you say the word “Hunter” or “son”.

    Went through this with my Dad, he was a giant teddybear after his 20 yr Navy career (he was hard as nails then) who became a sweet college professor.

    Got stage 4 liver cancer from liver flukes during his Vietnam service and that illness triggered dementia.

    This kind and gentle man would lash out with anger and threats in his final months that would freak us out.

    Dementia does not comport well with masculinity and most men become hostile and belligerent.

    Pedo was a corrupt angry moron on his best day, he is toast now as they physically drag him across the finish line.

  2. Kinda ballsy for a CBS reporter. Next time he’ll just ask if Biden will condemn the “hacking” of Hunter’s abandoned computer. If he doesn’t fall in line, well son of a bitch, he’ll get fired.

  3. A tone-deaf, jug-eared, purple-lipped, selfie-posing, shame gland missing, Peace-Prize stealing, community-organizing, Jihad-coddling, phoney-baloney, plastic banana republic, taqiyah sunrise-drinking Kenyan Kremepuff once said: “Never underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up”

    A wise man once said: “If they were winning, there would be no need to censor”

  4. Just another one of Trump’s games that Joe’s not gonna play? I don’t think so. You can’t flip over the chessboard and shuffle away from this game, Joe. This game is against us, and you will lose by forfeit.

  5. We know now that if you push the button labeled “Hunter”… all kinds of weird outbursts can be expected from the Joe-Pedo puppet. I liken it to a dog shock training collar only more fun!

  6. cold hard facts with texts, emails & pics of extortion, bribes, and child trafficking of selling US influence while selling out the USA

    unlike the fake PP dossier used to unseat a duly elected president and ruin his life while the FBI sits on info that proves everything was a lie while covering up biteme’s criminal activity

    and no one has been brought to justice

  7. The Big Guy: “Hunter Biden is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I’ve ever known in my life.”

    It is a well known truth over fact that almost none of the other Americans held captive by the Chinese Communist during the Osmidgen-Obiden Administration feel the same way.

  8. I suppose Hunter’s going to need some help with his suicide after the next downloads come out? Maybe the clintons can refer somebody?
    They’ll blame the Republicans and Trump anyway.

  9. “YOu rACiStS ArE sToPpINg dRuG aDdIcTs fRoM sEeKInG hElp bY bRinGiNg uP hUnTeR BiDeN!“

    LOLNPR, funny how the experts aren’t saying that Hunter Biden’s failure to acknowledge his child with a stripper stigmatizes children born out of wedlock.

    It’s seven, Joe…seven grandchildren.

  10. I’m not asking a tough question to anybody if I don’t think I can do more pushups than them.

    Especially not Joe “Macho Man” Biden. That’s a man who will stand up to Russia until they pay him to lay down.


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