CBS Uses Italian Hospital Footage When Talking About U.S. – AGAIN! – IOTW Report

CBS Uses Italian Hospital Footage When Talking About U.S. – AGAIN! What the heck is going on over at CBS News?

On March 22nd, “CBS This Morning” aired a segment about skyrocketing coronavirus cases in New York – yet used footage from an Italian hospital in the background when talking about the crisis. CBS later explained that “It was an editing mistake. We took immediate steps to remove it from all platforms and shows.” more here

11 Comments on CBS Uses Italian Hospital Footage When Talking About U.S. – AGAIN!

  1. I’m actually surprised they didn’t use the Chinese footage of hospital workers stuffing people into body bags like cordwood …. 3 to a bag
    … & blaming PDT

  2. Tell you what.

    Until there is a plan (whispered) to storm state houses and governors mansions….count me out on the whimpering about lost liberties.
    Looks like willingly SURRENDERED Liberties to me.

    Fuck that.

  3. Bob, thanks for the blast from the past.
    When I was young, the Leftard Hippies (especially in Durham and Chapel Hell) used to identify themselves with the “I’m from N.C. and I DON”T support Jesse Helms” bumper stickers!
    They were a very clever bunch…


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