CCP Advisory Group Paid Mark Brzezinski, Biden’s choice for Poland ambassador, $1K for Speech – IOTW Report

CCP Advisory Group Paid Mark Brzezinski, Biden’s choice for Poland ambassador, $1K for Speech

wfb: An advisory group for the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee this year paid $1,000 to Mark Brzezinski, President Biden’s nominee for ambassador to Poland.

The China Development Forum paid Brzezinski, the brother of MSNBC host Mika Brzezinski and son of former National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, for a written contribution to its annual conference in March, according to a financial disclosure obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. The forum is organized each year by the Development Research Center of the State Council, which advises the Communist Party’s Central Committee.

Brzezinski, who runs a consulting firm, served as ambassador to Sweden during the Obama administration. While China is unlikely to be Brzezinski’s main diplomatic focus should he be confirmed, the United States has sought to unite European allies against China’s growing influence in the West. China overtook the United States as Europe’s main trading partner this year and is seeking to draw other American allies further into its orbit.

Several other Biden diplomatic nominees have links to organizations tied to the Chinese Communist Party. Caroline Kennedy, the nominee for ambassador to Australia, and Eric Garcetti, the nominee for ambassador to India, served on the board of the Asia Society, which is affiliated with Chinese state-controlled propaganda organizations. Linda Thomas-Greenfield, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, received a $1,500 honorarium in 2019 for a speech funded by the Confucius Institute, a Chinese state-controlled organization accused of serving as a propaganda vehicle for Beijing. read more

7 Comments on CCP Advisory Group Paid Mark Brzezinski, Biden’s choice for Poland ambassador, $1K for Speech

  1. The fact they don’t even bother to hide is means all we know (and we know A LOT) is just the tip of the ChiComm corruption of our government, the GOP included.


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