CCP manservant, Sen. Lamar Alexander – IOTW Report

CCP manservant, Sen. Lamar Alexander

Look at Lamar Alexander’s cheese-toothed, slobbering smile and weak posture.

Here’s Fang Fang again again.

h/t Brad.

21 Comments on CCP manservant, Sen. Lamar Alexander

    DECEMBER 14, 2020 AT 7:28 AM
    “Better take Mandarin lessons…”

    …it won’t help. The Chinese are VERY racist. You do not have the genetics to get into the club.

    The only Mandarin words I remember from working in a Chinese restaurant meant “Honky” and “Niger”. I only remember them because I heard them a lot, on their Old Country tapes they played for customers too, and asked what they meant.

    They were not shy about telling me, either. Guess they don’t feel the “White Guilt”, even if University admissions departments DO lump them in with us, for now, anyway…

  2. “Yechezkel Moskowitz Flag of United States@ymosko
    This past June I told @SenAlexander
    about the destruction of our national asset uranium-233 presently being downblended at ORNL (@OakRidgeOffice). I informed that while the folks in Oak Ridge may want it gone, the CCP is spending $1/2B annually on their thorium program.”

  3. I think it’s a safe bet to assume that ALL congress critters over the age of 60 have been infected/compromised by the Chinese.

    A good indicator is to look at their bank accounts, although not always since many of these guys are like professional athletes, dreadful with money with not a lick of economic sense.

    Hardly an ageist, but ALL these old guys need to go, only way to be sure.

  4. Notice how our politicians always have shiteating grins when they are making deals to enrich themselves and sellout our country while the Chicoms always appear deadly serious.

  5. Just the expression on the Chinese Premier’s face says it all. We are nothing but SLAVES to them. As soon as the Democrats complete the transaction of SELLING AMERICA to them… we will be a Provence of CHINA.


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