CCP Satellite Comms Inside US?/ NDAA Deep Dive – IOTW Report

CCP Satellite Comms Inside US?/ NDAA Deep Dive

Hosts L Todd Wood and Col John Mills (USA, Ret) discuss possible Chinese satellite communications to clandestine locations within North America, and we do a deep dive into the NDAA just passed by Congress.

5 Comments on CCP Satellite Comms Inside US?/ NDAA Deep Dive

  1. Greed, mounting debt, resentment of other officers; Reasons Benedict Arnold was hated. Jackass Joe not only surpassed Jimmy Carter as the worst President in history, he’s replacing Benedict Arnold as the most hated traitor in US history!

  2. We have a traitor in the White House. (And Im talking about Biden, not just obama, who is still there). We have traitors in congress (not just the GOPe). This won’t end well, if at all.

  3. Well, with thousands of military age Chinese males crossing the southern border unchecked what would you expect. I hope all the people they kill are dims. They deserve it for making all this crap possible.


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