CDC, FDA: Booster Shots May Trigger Strokes – IOTW Report

CDC, FDA: Booster Shots May Trigger Strokes

Receiving a Flu Shot on the Same Day as the Booster Increases Risk.

Epoch Times: On Jan. 13, 2023, the FDA and CDC issued a joint statement that a new “safety signal” for ischemic stroke had been detected in one of the agency’s vaccine safety surveillance systems.

The statement read, in part: “CDC’s Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD), a near real-time surveillance system, met the statistical criteria to prompt additional investigation into whether there was a safety concern for ischemic stroke in people ages 65 and older who received the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine bivalent.”

The VSD system monitors the electronic health records of 12.5 million Americans served by nine integrated health systems.

The CDC stated that no other safety databases had detected this signal (including the Medicare and Veterans Affairs data sets). Pfizer released a statement that it had not detected this signal in its databases, and no other countries have found a similar signal in their monitoring systems.

The clot risk appears to be greater on days 11–21 after receiving the booster, especially for those who received a high-dose or adjuvant flu vaccine on the same day.

A follow-up meeting was held on Jan. 26, 2023. Despite the identified risk, the CDC continues to recommend booster shots for all people over six months of age.

Increased Risk of Stroke Mostly Found 11 to 21 Days After Booster

The findings presented on Jan. 26, 2023, suggest that more stroke events occurred during days 1–21 post-vaccination than days 22–42 after receiving the shot.

People aged 65 or older who received the Pfizer bivalent booster experienced 130 events during the “risk interval” (1–21 days after the booster) and 92 events during the “comparison interval” (22–42 days after the booster). There was a 47 percent increased risk of ischemic stroke during 1-21 days post-booster, compared to those events occurring during 22-42 days post-booster, with a p = 0.005. In studies, when the P value is less than 0.05, it means the difference is statistically significant.

It is important to note that stroke events occurred throughout the entire 42-day follow-up period after the booster; a cluster of stroke events occurred between 11 and 21 days after receiving the booster. MORE

13 Comments on CDC, FDA: Booster Shots May Trigger Strokes

  1. “…Pfizer released a statement that it had not detected this signal in its databases…”

    ‘we already investigated ourselves so you don’t have to’

  2. By admitting they are murderers they won’t have to admit they were epic LIARS from the get-go.

    Look for an upcoming analysis of the ‘living document’ that was formerly known as God’s Ten COMMANDMENTS. The government will assure citizens that some commandments are really only ‘recommendations’, optional really, depending on your personal circumstances….

  3. It continues to sadden me that they’re killing us in plain sight.

    Mountains of data that I can supply from multiple sources up to and including the alphabet agencies and yet the sheeple will refuse to look at it.

    If I’m wrong at the best it is that I’m just a tinfoil hat wearing wack-a-do with the worst having me institutionalized (big word). If I’m right the best is they’ve destroyed their immune systems and the worst being they’re dead .

    Edited down to avoid SNS royalty payments for length.


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