CDC Mission To Bring Ebola Infected U.S. Aid Worker Back To America Underway – IOTW Report

CDC Mission To Bring Ebola Infected U.S. Aid Worker Back To America Underway

The Last Refuge

One of the American aid workers is going to be airlifted back to the U.S. for treatment and care of the Ebola Virus.   According to the CDC and CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta a special non-stop jet left at 5:00pm on the mission to retrieve “an American” for treatment at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.

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Given that only two Americans are known to be infected with the virus, Dr. Kent Brantly (below left), and aid worker Nancy Writebol (below right), both with Samaritans Purse, it can reasonably be assumed one of them will be aboard the transport.



12 Comments on CDC Mission To Bring Ebola Infected U.S. Aid Worker Back To America Underway

  1. Ok….this is the fucking dumbest idea in the history of ideas.
    Why would any sane country do this?
    What happens if the plane crashes. Spreading this horrible disease all over the place.

  2. In the book Executive Orders by Tom Clancy, there is a supposedly accurate and very vivid description of the symptoms, and progression of the disease. It the story, the bad guys attempted to weaponized the virus. Worth a resd if you can locate it.

  3. Because the CDC can be totally trusted to keep this Pale Horse under control?

    Nah, nothing bad will will happen.

    I bet if the CDC tries real, real hard that they can help this malady to become airborne through a government sponsored weaponization program.

    Hah!!!!! Just kidding. It’s already weaponized. All they have to do now is convince the American illiterate, I mean electorate, that it has mysteriously broken containment.

    But remember, our future rights sacrifices will be for “the children”.

  4. Is it just me or does it grate on anyone else’s nerves that CDC stands for CenterS for Disease Control? why the ‘S’? if you create a center for the something why make it plural? Leave it to the gov’t to make something simple complicated.

  5. This may not be agreed with but the guy(s) are American(s) and the best, most advanced health care system in the world is in your country. If you don’t take a chance to bring back and try to save one of your countrymen then that’s a pretty sad day. Ebola is deadly but if it’s handled with the utmost caution in isolated, closed environment rooms it should be ok.

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