CDC Report Shows MSM, WHO Misinterpreting COVID-19 Data – IOTW Report

CDC Report Shows MSM, WHO Misinterpreting COVID-19 Data

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 11:12 AM PT – Wednesday, December 23, 2020

As mainstream media rhetoric continues to use the coronavirus pandemic to fuel their political agenda, a recent report from the CDC shows their arguments aren’t on solid ground.

Updated Monday, the CDC’s COVID-19 mortality rates show the organization isn’t clearly differentiating between coronavirus-caused deaths and coronavirus-related deaths.

The CDC claims it abides by the World Health Organization’s guidelines when reporting causes of deaths, namely by using the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10 Edition or ICD-10.

The WHO created two classifications for coronavirus deaths, U07.1 and UO7.2, to account for the number cases where a clear cause of death is not able to be determined. UO7.1 is meant to be used in cases where a lab was able to confirm the virus was the true cause of death, whereas UO7.2 was for all other cases where COVID-19 was just part of a diagnosis. read more

9 Comments on CDC Report Shows MSM, WHO Misinterpreting COVID-19 Data

  1. We ar at war with ‘our’ governent. It is infested with traitors. It will completely open our borders. It will put its corrupt ‘Justice Department’ on us.

    We have to secede – and fast.

  2. Here in ME the govt refuses to differentiate between of and with covid.
    Earlier this year a 42 yr old died of a heart attack but his nurse wife had had the Wuflu so they put him in the count. She spoke up. That’s why it was found out.
    Follow the money.

  3. They need UO7.3 – Fake Covid-19 padded stats to get illicit funds from the gov and suppress the people by reason of fear.

    You should see people dropping in the streets every day for how they are treating us.

  4. Not to be rude, but this has been known since the very beginning. If they only reported the TRUE number of cases, they’d never have achieved any of the over-reaching bullshit they’ve been able to pull. Still, it’s great to have something to point to.

  5. In the end all the government agencies will claim the “Fog of War defense”.

    We did the best we could at the time with the resources and information on hand. But, if you just give us more power and money it will never happen again.

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