CDC Tracked Americans’ Movements Through Phone Data – IOTW Report

CDC Tracked Americans’ Movements Through Phone Data

CDC Tracked Americans’ Movements Through Phone Data, Records Show | The Sale of the Fourth Amendment

15 Comments on CDC Tracked Americans’ Movements Through Phone Data

  1. That’s why we paid Bill Gates $100 Billion for Contact Tracing.
    $100 BILLION H.R. 6666, the COVID-19 Testing, Reaching and Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act.
    Nobody asked, we just get to pay it.

  2. They tracked my 12 year old flip phone? That’s why i kept it so long. P*ssed me off I had to ditch it because it was 3G. Bought another cheap non-smart phone with no app’s

  3. If you have a smart phone, you should just assume you have no privacy. Harris Corp released the Stingray phone tracker in 2013, it can spoof a cell tower amongst other dirty tricks. And of course, Project Echelon started up after WWII.

  4. From how I understand it, the cdc didn’t actually track, or spy, on individuals. That would be illegal, for a government agency to spy on the public without a warrant. They bought tracking information from private companies, which do tracking for ‘commercial purposes.’ So, they twisted the laws and escape any consequences. And all with taxpayer money.

  5. Just the beginnings of the Social Credit system. If you use a card, they know what you eat, drink, and every other purchase.
    If you don’t behave they will cut you off.
    What are the chances covid testing was just the DNA database?

  6. @billyhall2546 ☑ May 8, 2022 at 3:48 pm

    > They bought tracking information from private companies

    Wow! Sum big a$$ sole proprietorships.

    Because all the rest are created by The Party. According to The Party rules. Subject to change by The Party (without notice).

  7. A Faraday sleeve is OK, but you’ll still show up when you use the phone. Better than nothing, though. Wonder what they think when they only see spot surfacing and can’t track you real-time.

    I was amazed when I saw I could see my friend’s movements live as he was traveling down the road. No hesitation. it was like watching a movie. 5G is scary intrusive.

    As for SHTF? Your mobile phone is not a friendly tool for you at that time. Probably won’t even work unless someone in the control center wants to Eff with you.

    We’ve become too complacent and lazy.

    Wondering if Ham radio is something to invest in. Seems like it.


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