CDC: Vaccine Mandate For Domestic Flights Not Being Considered – IOTW Report

CDC: Vaccine Mandate For Domestic Flights Not Being Considered


Authored by Isabel van Brugen via The Epoch Times,

COVID-19 vaccine mandate for domestic flights is not currently being considered by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), CDC Director Rochelle Walensky confirmed on Tuesday.

“Certainly, domestic flights has been a topic of conversation but that is not something we’re revisiting right now,” Walensky told NPR when pressed on the issue.

Walensky also elaborated on the CDC’s decision to cut its recommended isolation time for infected Americans in half—from 10 days to five if they are asymptomatic.

“We are standing on the shoulders now of two years of science,” Walenksy told NPR of the new rules, explaining that “the vast majority of transmission occurs” around two days prior to the onset of symptoms and three days after.

“So in that five day window is really when that transmission is happening.”

Walensky acknowledged that although transmission can occur after the fifth day of isolation, the CDC made the decision to reduce its recommended isolation time for infected Americans because it anticipates a “really large” number of cases due to the Omicron variant of the novel coronavirus.

“We also want to make sure that we keep the critical functions of society open and operating. We started to see challenges with that, with airline flights and other areas,” the CDC director explained.

Her remarks come a day after infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci suggested that the Biden administration should “seriously” consider vaccine requirements for domestic air travel. MORE

17 Comments on CDC: Vaccine Mandate For Domestic Flights Not Being Considered

  1. “…right now…”
    I wonder how many times that has been said in public statements by the bastards in charge of this disaster in the past two years?
    The ultimate weasel-word phrase…

  2. First, these assholes change their minds on a dime and memory hole previous edicts. What they say now doesn’t mean shit.

    What they’re really starting to see that they’re calling “challenges” are 1,000s of flights cancelled because of the airlines’ mandatory vax mandate for their workers.

    Either many are quitting or getting ill.

    Watch as cities like NY, DC, San Fran, LA, Portland, Seattle & Boston continue their death spirals as their workers quit or get ill. Crime is through the roof now, higher than it has been in decades. When the utilities continue to wind down, the shit is really going to hit the fan.

    It’s so bad and so easily remedied that if you don’t believe it’s intentional, please tell me why.

  3. Fuqem.
    Still not going to fly.
    If I want to be treated like a criminal, I’ll go into town and scream at a Deputy.
    The Airlines can all spiral into Hell for all I care.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Vaccine Mandate For Domestic Flights Not Being Considered

    Taps foot, checks watch… just wait a few minutes, that’ll change. I live in Cleveland. We do the same thing with the weather!

  5. They’re considering at what point they can get away with it.

    Oddly enough, the midnight flights of illegal invaders remains Coof-jab free…

    Speaking of which, if they fly them anywhere, why not back to the shitholes they come from?

  6. We are “governed” by not very bright peoples people. Walensky always comes across like a desperate, sexually frustrated house wife who always tries to put on a good face, knowing damn well she still ain’t gettin’ any at bedtime no matter how many shirts she irons.

  7. let me just put this here for what it’s worth, a person can transmit and be infected with the virus regardless of being vaxed. So what’s the point of being vaxed?

    Every vaxed person is the walking dead. They will suffer many autoimmune diseases, cancers, clotting problems, strokes, cardiac, neurological, and brain problems from the spike protein. The walking dead includes children who are getting vaxed today. within two years kids and adults will start dropping dead, and the death toll will continue for years.

  8. Zonga – So what’s the point of being vaxed?

    I would ask what’s the point of them being Hell bent for leather on vaxing every livin’ thing that moves within an inch of its life, excepting of course Members of Congress.

    Oh and the Congressional staff.

    Uh… and the White House Staff.

    The Judicial Branch
    CDC Employees
    FDA Employees
    US Post Office Employees
    National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease Employees
    Pfizer Employees
    Moderna Employees
    Johnson & Johnson Employees
    Amtrak employees
    Illegal Aliens
    Afghan “immigrants”
    The Homeless Population

    The list of exceptions puts the BIG LIE to the whole operation, whutever the fug it is!

  9. Seattle has totally unqualified office staff driving snowplows this week. Their trained and experienced people have quit because of the mandates. Or I should say playing equipment operator like the perpetual children they are


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