CDC: Vaccines are not safe for everyone – IOTW Report

CDC: Vaccines are not safe for everyone

Twitter unlocks JTN reporter’s account after CDC said his COVID vaccine tweet was correct.

Here’s the story the reporter is referring to:

BYU Hawaii refuses to grant student exemption from vaccine that could paralyze her.

She at one point became paralyzed from a different vaccine.

College Fix: Brigham Young University Hawaii has refused to grant a medical exemption to incoming freshman Olivia Sandor despite her having a condition that makes receiving a COVID vaccine potentially dangerous.

Sandor wrote on Instagram on July 13 that she developed Guillain-Barré Syndrome in 2019 as a side-effect of a vaccination, though she did not say what vaccine she received.

“Guillain Barre is an auto-immune disease caused by vaccines which resulted in me being hospitalized and being paralyzed from the waist down,” Sandor (right) wrote on Instagram. She shared her story of being able to regain the ability to walk.

On July 13, the FDA said that people who received the Johnson and Johnson vaccine have “an observed increased risk,” of developing GBS. more

And in other news:

Law professor with COVID antibodies sues GMU over vaccine mandate.

College Fix: A George Mason University law professor with naturally acquired immunity from COVID has filed a lawsuit demanding an exemption from a policy that requires employees get the COVID vaccine or face numerous sanctions.

The nonprofit New Civil Liberties Alliance filed the complaint Tuesday on behalf of Antonin Scalia Law School Professor Todd Zywicki. It alleges that the public university’s vaccine policy violates Zywicki’s right to privacy and due process, among other claims.

GMU spokesperson Robin Parker told The College Fix on Wednesday the university “has no comment on the ongoing litigation.”

Jenin Younes, an attorney representing the professor, told The College Fix on Wednesday that as far as she knows this may be the first lawsuit in which a person with naturally acquired COVID immunity has sued their employer over a vaccine mandate. more here

18 Comments on CDC: Vaccines are not safe for everyone

  1. I can’t say as I agree with the policy but I understand why BYU-Hawaii implemented it. Pacific islanders appear to be particularly susceptible to serious symptoms and death from the virus.

    Unfortunately, trying to implement a sound policy based on science and reason is nearly impossible when there is a dearth of both science and reason when it comes to the Xi virus.

  2. At this point it is unknown if these are safe or effective fro anyone and Pfizer and Moderna effectively cancelling their trials by vaccinating everyone in the control groups now eliminates our ability to ever know safety. Convenient.

  3. “CDC: Vaccines are not safe for everyone”

    …no, Coof “vaccines” are NOT vaccines, and are not DEMONSTRABLY safe for ANYONE.


    …to date, there are NO long-term studies (obviously) NO mutanagenic studies, NO teratogenic studies (Thalidomide babies, anyone?), NO studies on lactating mothers to see if what’s excreted in mother’s milk is deadly for babies, NO child studies, NO studies on menstral disturbances, NO studies on if it sterilizes people, NO, NO, NO…

    …they don’t even have a valid TEST for it. Even the massively corrupt FDA had to admit the PCR test is worthess, to the point of REVOKING its EUA…but incredibly only AFTER December 31st.


    …and the drug companies fudged the studies, destroyed their own control group, and are incestuously related with EVERY GOVERNMENT FUCTIONARY PUSHING THIS CRAP. Meanwile, bad side effects are deleted from Big Tech, Government denies cures that are KNOWN and PROVEN to work because, Orange Man Bad, people’s livlihoods are threatened if they even QUESTION The Jab…has there EVER been a “vaccine” rollout as Hitlerian as this?

    …so no, they are NOT proven safe. They are NOT proven effective. They may even make things WORSE.

    So I won’t be joining in your little violation of the Nuremberg Codes, Dr. Mengele. There’s a lot of land for vax door knockers to disappear into out here, lot of hungry coyotes, foxes, and turkey buzzards, along with a good-sized river or two, just sayin’, so it might be better for YOUR health to go jab someone else, somewhere else..

  4. I had covid last fall with no symptoms other than loss of smell (still going on). Like most people on this site, I’ve done extensive research on the EUA approved experimental gene therapy jab and I have considered my risk profile versus the potential risks of the jab versus the benefit of getting jabbed, and have determined that I fear the jab more than the virus.

    I will let those who have already taken the dose be the human test cases and I will reassess my position in a year or so.

    The problem is that totalitarian oligarchs are turning up the manufactured heat. They have begun making life more difficult and inconvenient, and even driving a wedge between jabbed and unjabbed people – calling us selfish for not agreeing to be a lab rat. The jabbed refuse to consider that they can still contract and spread the virus so they are no different than the unjabbed – just maybe will have milder symptoms.

    My employer has reinstated a mask requirement for the unjabbed, making the mask the equivalent of wearing the yellow star of David. I’m waiting for the jab mandate to be implemented. I’ll cross that bridge when I get there – as it stands now I will NOT get jabbed – I just hope that it is a bridge too far, and that public sentiment will change this trajectory before I get there.

  5. stirrin the pot
    AUGUST 7, 2021 AT 6:16 PM

    …my employer backed off masks when the state did, but because we’re a Federally inspected food plant, The Pedophile says he’ll pull all the inspectors so we can’t operate unless everyone wears a mask again, so back to the masking we go…

    …the Communists get you a thousand different ways. Tell me, what human activity does NOT require some degree of Government licensure at this point?

    The power to license is the power to WITHHOLD license.

    …this is covered in Revelation too, or Apocalypse if you prefer, under “no man can buy or sell without it”, leaving you to wonder if this isn’t a dress rehearsal for the real thing by the satan worshiping Democrats who can’t wait for their buddy Baal to start his prophesied reign…

  6. ǝpɐɥsʇɥɓᴉuɹǝdnS August 7, 2021 at 6:31 pm

    “…the Communists get you a thousand different ways…”

    Didn’t Chucky Schumer say as much a few years ago….”the intelligence has 6 ways to Sunday of getting back at you…”

    When fear thrives, common sense dies. Not sure which one happens first, but we are in those times.

  7. Daily regimen:

    Vit D+K, 5,000 minimum
    a decent mix of quality Bs
    a food-based multi
    Lugol’s (iodine)
    MSM powder
    local bee pollen
    colloidal silver on occasion
    and my usual low carb

    Am I immortal? Nope, but I’ll be 53 this fall and trust my immune system now more than ever. Will politely but firmly decline the Chi-vax if asked, come what may.

  8. From what I’ve been reading, those employees that lose their jobs due to non compliance of the vaccine mandate will NOT be eligible to collect unemployment benefits.

    It is analogous to refusing to mandated drug tests or refusing to participate in safety training. Typically, an employee who is terminated for failing to comply with company policies is not eligible for unemployment benefits, which would include non compliance with a Covid prevention policies, masking requirements or vaccine requirements.

    There is a work around; proof of a medical exemption or religious objection to receiving a jab.

  9. @grool @ecp I take 600 mg of NAC daily because of its anti inflammatory properties. When this “pandemic” started I looked up if it helped prevent or ease Covid. Many positive studies recommended it or thought it had a positive effect.

    Guess what? The FDA is trying eliminate it as a supplement that can be bought over the counter. Why? Because in 1963, it was considered a drug.

    It’s been pulled from purchasing on Amazon. It’s still available at some stores online. I just bought a years worth.

    My tin foil hat is permanently affixed after this discovery. WTF?

  10. Illustr8r, I did not know about NAC being pulled. But I did read similar articles about it helping prevent the coof. However,I also read articles that recommend it for healing properties more so than preventative properties. I forget the details, but my plan all along is to use NAC in addition to elderberry and ivermectin as well as my daily vitamins in increased dosage in the event I come down with the coof, or a family member does.

    I’m a big believer of superfoods and always take some type of it, right now I’m on HealthForce SuperFoods Vitamineral. Since taking so called superfoods for the past couple years my blood pressure has dropped, my cholesterol has come down, my nails are super strong, my hair is strong (I think it actually has stopped my graying), my skin doesn’t get all raw in the winter, wounds heal faster, and in general I feel better. I’m not one to get sick, but I hear it helps your immune system too. Probably not for everyone, but maybe worth a try.

  11. On a rare day I listened to Hannity last week. He had on doctors who treat Covid with ivermectin HCQ etc…one doctor was highly suspicious of the FDA’s move to cancel NAC. He uses it as part of his Covid treatment protocol.

    If the FDA bans zinc and melatonin next we know they are truly evil.


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