CDC: Wartime spread of drug-resistant infections in Ukraine is an urgent crisis – IOTW Report

CDC: Wartime spread of drug-resistant infections in Ukraine is an urgent crisis

EI: Hospitals and health facilities in Ukraine are facing an “alarming increase” of antimicrobial-resistant infections amid the war with Russia, a new report says.

The spread of antimicrobial resistance – which occurs when bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites no longer respond to medications that treat them – is an “urgent crisis” in Ukraine that “must be addressed,” according to the report, published Friday by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“Worldwide, bacterial antimicrobial resistance is estimated to cause more deaths than HIV or malaria and is recognized as a leading global public health threat,” wrote the researchers, who are from the CDC, the Center for Public Health of Ukraine, the World Health Organization and other institutions.

WHO refers to antimicrobial resistance as “one of the top global public health and development threats,” and it is estimated that bacterial antimicrobial resistance was responsible for more than 1 million deaths around the world in 2019. Among the main drivers of drug-resistant pathogens are the misuse and overuse of antimicrobial drugs in humans and agriculture. more

38 Comments on CDC: Wartime spread of drug-resistant infections in Ukraine is an urgent crisis

  1. Hmmmmm.
    All those illegal biolabs that they didn’t want the public to know about in Ukraine, so they created a war to disguise their attempts to destroy the labs with bombs. Now the drug resistant organisms they were creating for bio-warfare are not released into the environment.

  2. Sounds like maybe somebody cracked open a few of those bio-war labs that the U.S. D.O.D. and Big Pharma never, never, ever set up in good ol’ deniability-friendly (for $$$) Ukraine.

  3. “it is estimated that bacterial antimicrobial resistance was responsible for more than 1 million deaths around the world in 2019”
    But, I bet zero deaths in 2020 and 2021. I wonder why?

  4. You’re exactly right Jethro. 18 plus at last count parked right on the Uke/Rusky border. It’s Putins responsibility to protect his citizens. Who are the bad guys here? Reportedly financed by Soros by the way. This planet would be a lot safer place if that asshole Soros were off it. The Ukes been the largest money laundering operation ever, a Putin’s about to burn it down. Putin’s got the names, got the dates, got the amounts. Shit’s gonna get real here pretty quick. A lot of these assholes wold personally benefit from a nuclear war. Even if it killed the rest of us.

  5. “Brad a true comrade to the Motherland”

    To the American Motherland. Which would make you just another worthless Libtard Zombie spewing bull shit out of their blow hole. I’d venture to say your Grandparents were brain dead, your parents are brain dead and you followed in their foot steps. The best thing you coud do for the world is not reproduce. God knows the last thing we need in this country are more sniveling worthless bastard children. I’m normally against abortion, but for people like you I support it. End that worthless gene pool. For once in your life do the right thing.

  6. “Soon, F-16s released to the Ukraine, but by all means tell us Americans how that Russian winning feels.”

    First of all, you’re not American. Second of all, who’s going to fly them? Third of all, that’s a great air-frame, I know, I build a lot of parts for it. But not there. They will lose a bunch of them and nothing will change. You’re so fucking stupid.

  7. Funny about those F16s. Taiwan will destroy the Chicom third gen airforce copy cats with their F16’s. A very well trained group of guys with a capable aircraft. ChiComs? They just steal shit, build it and never test it. Their still living in the dark ages.

  8. ^^^^It can’t answer what caliber because the Chicoms didn’t think to arm them with that info. I personally think there’s some frat faggits that occasionally invade this place. I think they were here the night before last. But after fucking with these clowns for awhile there’s just to many simple grammatical errors. I pointed a big one out last night. More tonight. If they are American Citizens they’re borderline brain dead. More likely foreign enemies of state. Most like those Chicken Shit Chinese. I’m satisfied, I’m done.

  9. “bacterial antimicrobial resistance”

    Would somebody parse this phrase, please?

    Regardless, I can’t see believing WHO or the CDCs or anything that oozes out of Ukraine. Too many lies for far too long.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  10. How is an “urgent” crisis different from a “non-urgent” crisis?

    Is there such a thing as a “casual” crisis?

    Sort of like the difference between “crowding” and “overcrowding?”

    All Bullshit; All the Time.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Jethro, you are probably correct, but I think it goes beyond that.

    When the war in Ukraine ends I wonder how many hundreds of thousands of the needless, senseless Ukrainian casualties will be chalked up to “antimocrobial resistance”? I mean, if the CDC is now involved, there is certainly going to be number-fudging on a massive scale, if the covid & jab number scams are any indication.

    Right now, there are tens of thousands of dead Ukrainian soldiers rotting in the forests and on the steppe. They are listed as MIA by the Ukrop government, partly to hide the horrendous losses, and partly to avoid paying benefits to the families. If the CDC can help in any way to assist Zelensky in his coverup, I have no doubt they will do so.

  12. My first instinct is to not believe anything coming from the CDC or WHO.

    Ukraine ‘secret’ labs. That, I believe, because it’s what our evil overlords do. They want us all dead.


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