Celebrity Supporters Abandon Biden Quickly As True Colors Are Shown – IOTW Report

Celebrity Supporters Abandon Biden Quickly As True Colors Are Shown

The Trump Manhattan trial is a historic moment in our nation’s history. For those who were wondering (and possibly hoping) that Biden was “just a senile old man”, that facade has now fallen.

17 Comments on Celebrity Supporters Abandon Biden Quickly As True Colors Are Shown

  1. Huh. I guess even ideological dummies can wake up if the situation deteriorates enough to get through their protective bubble of wealth.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Reading comments and commentary the last few days has made me feel like I’m in Egypt. There are so many people who just cannot accept that by waging lawfare against President Trump and his supporters they have harmed themselves and helped DJT&Co.

    Denial, denial, denial.

  3. Wow, reading the quotes from these celebrities….what a bunch of eloquent geniuses. I know I’m supposed to be encouraged that they see the light and use their influence but what a bunch of dummies

  4. Article author Margaret Clark:

    Even Mike Pence, the former fallen-from-grace Vice President, announced his disapproval of the court’s decision.

    Make that “Mike Pence, the fallen-from-grace former Vice President” please.

  5. Just another criminal who was brought to justice & will soon be incarcerated. What a fine example for young children. Mommy daddy I wanna be a convicted felon & go to prison then run for president. Nov
    2024, will be a rinse & repeat of 2020, but he will loose by even more.

  6. Merick Garland just classified Jackass Joe’s mental examination and locked it away in a high security area. All that tells the WORLD is what everybody suspected it true!
    Hollyweird celebs “seeing the light” (or what I call having a “Wet Finger Moment”) also shows the world how deluded they are/were! Just stay out of politics! Shut up and sing!

  7. Uncle Al – Mike Pence – Who gives a shit about his opinion! He’s preaching to a group even smaller than what attends a Biden “rally”!! Phone Booth Mike!

  8. I suppose I’m singing to the choir, but it seems whenever demwits talk about the US government, the call it a democracy – which it is most definitely not.

    Although it’s good to hear that they talk about leaving the plantation, I’m pretty sure they will be pressured by the WEF/CIA & friends to change their tune – or else.

    June 11th is the arraignment…

  9. Most of what I saw made me think that they turned against Biden for other reasons, not the Trump case. Most of the comments seemed to hint that Biden was not radical enough. I am sure that Cardi B doesn’t give a flying fig about the kangaroo court we just witnessed. And Rappaport was probably pissed that Biden has not nuked Israel yet.

    It would be nice if the “celebrities” spoke unequivocally against the show trial but I am not going to hold my breath.

  10. I did click the link out of curiosity knowing it would hold no surprises. Glanced over the “named” and left the page. No disrespect toward you, MJA, AKA, Mary Jane Ankle Straps. Always loved that name and its origins. 🥰


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