Celebutards Promote Farrakhan’s ‘Powerful’ Comments on Race – IOTW Report

Celebutards Promote Farrakhan’s ‘Powerful’ Comments on Race

Townhall: Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan is a virulent anti-Semite, homophobic, and racist, but that didn’t stop celebrities from using their platforms to promote him.

Comedian Chelsea Handler and actress Jessica Chastain recently shared a clip of one of his speeches from The Phil Donahue Show discussing racial prejudice.

“I learned a lot from watching this powerful video,” Handler wrote in sharing the video. Jennifer Aniston, Michelle Pfeiffer and Jennifer Garner were among the celebrities who liked it. 

One woman asked why can’t “white people, black people, Jewish people” “come together.” Farrakhan responded by saying that “the desire is good” but that reality is the “total opposite.”

He accused the audience of viewing black Americans as “second-class or inferior citizens” and enforcing “black inferiority” by stripping their African culture dating back to slavery and pushed white culture onto them, citing “white names,” the English language, and “white Jesus” as examples.

When another white audience member expressed her concern that she “hears violence” from his rhetoric, Farrakhan insisted she had “deep guilt” and feared that “if black people come to power” that they would commit violence on white people, he says, the way white people had committed violence on black people for years.

Farrakhan rejected an accusation from an attendee that he has a “prejudice” against white people, saying that after “400 years” of oppression, he and other black people are “looking at reality of what we have suffered and continue to suffer.” (Fox News)

Her followers who knew about Farrakhan’s past called her out for promoting him, but she continued to defend the controversial NOI leader. more

10 Comments on Celebutards Promote Farrakhan’s ‘Powerful’ Comments on Race

  1. The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, along with two continents, are named after Amerigo Vespucci– a man who enslaved thousands of people.

    kInd of brings a tear to my eye.

  2. …many Black icons are racist as hell, even those who call themselves “reverends”. Here’s a bit from revered Civil Rights icon and close Martin Luther King Jr. friend, Medal of Freedom award recipient Joseph Lowery who said,

    “All white folks were going to hell.”.


    …interesting position for a preacher, heh? People who were given a skin color by the Lord will be denied Heaven based on the skin color He GAVE them. No redemption, no crying ot to the Lord, the gift of salvation is extended to NO White person BECAUSE they are White.

    …and this guy wasn’t a Farrakhan crazy, not a Reverend Wright trying to make a name for himself, he was a highly respected luminary in the Civil Rights universe and gave the blessing at an Obama inagural, at which he presumedly hated all White people.

    And don’t even get me started pn the AME “church”.

    That’s what we’re up against.

    Don’t be surprised that Black people reflexively hate Whitey.

    Because they grew up, Muslim AND ‘Christian’, hearing that God hates Whitey, too…

  3. 50 years ago i would never have said this,”I’m so glad I’m nearing my final flight path”
    The thing that really pisses me off is seeing the smiling,laughing little kids running around oblivious to what’s about to hit them upside the head.
    Or am i just being a grumpy old man and this already happened
    to me and i was oblivious to it?
    I have no firm grasp on what is happening in the World today.
    So I’ll go my own way! (ya gotta sing that last sentence).
    Peace out.

  4. geoff the aardvark
    JUNE 17, 2020 AT 4:40 PM
    “…what ever hellhole alternative universe they escaped from.”

    …must be the same hellhole alternative universe that “comedienne” Chelsea Handler is funny in, ’cause she SURE isn’t funny in THIS one…

  5. Chelsea Handler in Poland (1943). She approaches the main gate at Auschwitz and looks in.

    Chelsea: Wow, it looks so peaceful and quiet in there. Those neat rows of houses…It looks like a very nice hotel.

    Guard: Not very peaceful.

    Chelsea: Look, they must be making dinner…all that smoke coming out of the chimlys. What are they cooking?

    Guard: We don’t know and we don’t talk about that.

    Chelsea: I would love to come in and look around. Will you let me in?

    Guard: Only Jews are allowed to uh, live here.

    Chelsea: Well, I’m Jewish!

    Guard: You don’t look it – you look like a blond Aryan.

    Chelsea: No, I really am Jewish – look here is my ID card that the government gave to me….see the Star of David on it? It also says I am a Jewess.

    Guard: Yes, I see…well come in. You must come in…we will make your stay quite comfortable…(yanks her by her hair and pulls her inside the wire)

    Chelsea: Oooo….I love the caveman style.

  6. as he spoke onstage, Malcolm X was assassinated by three nation of islum soldiers. yelling nigger, as they rushed him, one used a shotgun the other 2 handguns. Malcolm had wandered off farakhans/calypso-louies specified talking points


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