Celine Dion Cancels All 2023 Shows, Reveals She Has Rare, Incurable Neurological Disease – IOTW Report

Celine Dion Cancels All 2023 Shows, Reveals She Has Rare, Incurable Neurological Disease

Gateway Pundit: Canadian singer, songwriter Celine Dion, 54, revealed on Thursday that she has a rare and incurable neurological disease.

Celine Dion said she is suffering from a disorder called the ‘stiff person syndrome.’

Recall, Celine Dion in January was forced to cancel the remaining shows of the North American leg of her “Courage World Tour” due to her health problems.

Celine Dion had been experiencing “severe and persistent muscle spasms” that prevented her from performing.

43 Comments on Celine Dion Cancels All 2023 Shows, Reveals She Has Rare, Incurable Neurological Disease

  1. “Celine Dion said she is suffering from a disorder called the ‘stiff person syndrome.’”

    ME TOO. Every morning around 5:00.

    She’s a lefty idiot. Can’t even muster up a I give a fuck.

  2. Her health problems presented themselves almost immediately after the jabs. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence. And she is a lefty, and I don’t care for her singing. That doesn’t mean I want bad things to happen to her, I’m just not concerned, that’s all.

  3. I feel sorry for people who work & struggle every day to keep food on the table, raise their kids with traditional values and are trying to keep what they worked for especially when they get sick.

    Nothing against her, but she will be fine and has plenty of residual income for generations.

    Moe Tom, & the lovely person who left known as Admin Girl, as well as all of you.


    Watched Top Gun Mav. since everything was shit on TV tonight.

  4. I have to agree with Willys.
    I’ve always loved her voice and music.
    I’ve been to many of her concerts over the years.
    I saw her at The Woodlands in Houston long before “Titanic” because she was that good.
    I saw her in Vegas a couple months before covid hit.
    She was ending a residency at Caesars.
    She was fine, excellent actually.

    She cancelled her tours in 2020 due to these spasms.
    I don’t doubt she took the jab thinking it was safe because the Canadian & American government certainly wouldn’t lie to her.

    I wish her well and hope to see her again here in Vegas.

  5. At the Woodlands concert I had front row tickets and really upset my girlfriend at the time by bringing Celine at dozen yellow roses.
    (Yellow Rose of Texas)

    Give me your best guys, I am unashamed of being a real fan and have said so on this site many times.

  6. BTW Brad, you ever produce that proof that I was spoofing you?

    Didn’t think so…of course you can’t.
    Is that why you are “I’m out”?

    Don’t try that slander shit with me ever again and we will get along fine.
    You can say a lot of true shit about me but lying is the lowest of lows.

  7. Brad….I like some Adele songs too. Emmy Lou, Dolly, Loretta, Reba, Ricky Lee jones, Big Mama Thornton, Queen Ida….Fuck where do I stop….Celine Dion can fucking sing. I think it’s beautiful…..Open your hearts. It’s the season….enjoy!….Did you ever know somebody that has degenerative nerve issues?….I do. Personally….It sucks….

  8. Willys, Brad is a heartless fuck.
    He’s the Grinch personified.

    You’re a foul one, Mr. Grinch.
    You’re a nasty wasty skunk.
    Your heart is full of unwashed socks.
    Your soul is full of gunk,
    Mr Grinch.
    The three best words that best describe you,
    Are as follows, and I quote”
    You’re a rotter Mr Grinch
    You’re the king of sinful sots
    Your heart’s a dead tomato squashed with moldy purple spots
    Mr Grinch
    Your soul is an appalling dump heap
    Overflowing with the most disgraceful
    Assortment of deplorable rubbish imaginable,
    Mangled up in tangled up knots.

  9. A little background for those thinking I am attacking Brad without cause:

    Two nights ago Brad said that I had used a different site name to spoof people and put words in their mouths with fake posts.
    He said he had proof.

    It never happened, certainly not by me.
    This is a big fucking deal to me.
    To make up this shit is an affront to my reputation here.
    I have never done such a thing and never would.
    Perhaps Brad felt I would just roll over and let him shit all over me.
    No, I will not.
    I have integrity Brad.
    Apologize and I will shut the fuck up about it.

  10. “To make up this shit is an affront to my reputation here.

    That’s pretty damn funny runt. Because people I converse with here think your just that nut ball that can’t shut the fuck up.
    The incident I’m referring to was when I had you dead to rights with the Cruz shit, and you no fucking well you did it. I’ll find it. Just keep running your mouth pussy.

  11. Brad, for a Trump supporter you sure sound A LOT like Adam Schiff.
    Do you ALSO have a Russian Hooker pee-tape of me in Moscow?

    PS, If you do please release it because I’d really like to see how I performed since I must have been really drunk and can’t remember now…
    (I’m certain I was epic!)

  12. BTW, “Cruz shit”?
    What does that even mean?

    You are evidently mistaking me for someone else.

    I vaguely remember someone spoofing names here over a year ago, maybe two.
    Hell, if it was during Trump vs Cruz then it was 2016!

    Anyway, Big Fur Hat banned them and they no longer post here.
    Your memory must be fuzzy.
    Happens to all of us.
    I’ll take that apology now and we can move on.

  13. TO get back on topic:
    Celine most likely got Jabbed. And Boosted. Hopefully she feels thankful that she’s “only” suffering neurological effects, instead of having a myocardial clot death.

  14. Accused you Brad?
    OK, I’ll bite, this is a quote from me on the “Shark Week Lacks Diversity” post.

    “Brad, are you “outing” yourself as anonymous?

    Ooooh, man, you got me there.
    I asked a question, it WAS NOT A DECLARATION, I did not say I had proof.

    You are BEAT Brad, take the L

  15. I just checked my old emails from the Celine team and on October 19th, 2021 it said:

    As Celine Dion has been preparing for the November 5 opening of her brand-new show in the beautiful, new Resorts World Theatre in Las Vegas, unforeseen medical symptoms have forced the singer to delay the opening and cancel the performances scheduled from November 5 to 20, 2021 and January 19 to February 5, 2022.

    “Celine has been experiencing severe and persistent muscle spasms which are preventing her from performing. Her medical team continues to evaluate and treat her. However, the symptoms she is experiencing are prohibiting her from participating in the ongoing rehearsals for the new show.”

    So that corresponds perfectly to the time frame of being jabbed.
    She was fine prior to that.
    She was set to do a whole residency.

    I don’t care how rich she is, if this happened due to the jab she should sue the hell out a Pfizer or whomever.
    It would go a long way for those without the resources to mount a big lawsuit.

  16. They just covered this on Tucker.
    The doctor said what she had is one in a million condition.

    My question is:
    Why at her age now?
    Did an experimental vax trigger this condition?

    I think we all have an idea…

  17. Las Vegas and Monaco have opened up a parlay bet combining the World Cup and the Loco?Brad qualifier….If you take Loco and Morocco against Brad and France you get 2 to 1 that Loco will win. But Brad has France and I’ve always liked tank mounted back up lights….I’m torn…..I think I’ll take Joe6pak and Senegal because they’ve both been eliminated and I can afford my own everything bagels…

  18. Willys, put me down with Morocco.

    We’ll all party at Rick’s Café after the win.
    I understand they have gambling there as well… I know “shocking”

  19. I guess I lead a simple life.
    Her name is vaguely familiar but I have no recollection of her singing or any of her songs.
    Sad that she’s having medical issues but I’m pretty sure millions upon millions of others do, too.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  20. It’s Satan coming for his pound of flesh. Did you see the freaky deke shit she’s producing in the ad for children cloth3s? She’s gone to the dark side. Celine has to worry more for her soul than her body

  21. I happen to like grandma got ran over by a reindeer. I bet it gets played more times at Xmas than any song Celine sang. Never was a fan of hers. I still remember Trump snarking about liberals being first in line to get the jab. Celine got a “stiff” upper lip to keep her lifestyle going with the miracle jab.


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