Cell Phone Bans In Public Schools Are Trending Nationwide – IOTW Report

Cell Phone Bans In Public Schools Are Trending Nationwide

Just The News: Seven years ago, the former New York City Schools Chancellor said the city’s decision to lift a ban on cell phones in schools was “common sense.”

Last week, the Philadelphia Board of Education approved a contract of up to $5 million with a company that makes locking phone pouches that allow educators to make classrooms phone-free.

The two decisions and the years between highlight the ongoing debate about the proper place for phones in school in the digital era.

Schools across the country continue to struggle with the devices more than 15 years after the release of the first iPhone. Concerns about distractions in class, fights in hallways and other behavior issues have prompted bans in some schools along with statewide legislation to address the issues.

Hopewell City Public Schools, which serve about 4,000 students in Virginia, started using locking phone pouches this fall after years of trying to curtail phone use. more

Why do mummies make good employees?

They get all wrapped up in their work.

13 Comments on Cell Phone Bans In Public Schools Are Trending Nationwide

  1. I’m torn. I like the idea of less distractions for students. But I know the reason for this is to protect all the woke teachers from being recorded during their shenanigans.

  2. From the philthadelfia skrewl district: “…can help lead to less incidents of cyber bullying,”…. really? Less incidents?

  3. Great.

    Now the Uvalde cops don’t have to feel bad in Democrat active shooter situations because the kids won’t be able to call for help from inside the classrooms any more.

    Not that they would do anything about it anyway, seeing as how they might get shot…

  4. Jason
    OCTOBER 31, 2022 AT 10:30 AM
    “Iโ€™m torn. I like the idea of less distractions for students. But I know the reason for this is to protect all the woke teachers from being recorded during their shenanigans.”

    …allow it ONLY if there is a camera focused on the teacher at all times that is accessible like a podcast to any parent with a kid in the class.

    Phones are tools, and like any tool they can be used for good or for evil.

    See Paul Pelosi’s hammer for further details.

  5. If school districts/states ban the use of phones in the classrooms, they should automatically replace that ready surveillance with in-classroom cameras/audio.

    I have been against the panopticon society — except its namesake — from the beginning, but the guardians of public school prison have made it necessary for the protection of our children.

  6. Human nature being what is it, people can not be relied on to do the right thing, and they must be monitored (watched), hence body cameras on cops. But police unions are anemic compared to the clout and influence of teachers’ unions, and they will never go for cameras being placed inside classrooms. Hallways, cafeterias and libraries are OK, but no way in hell they want their methods of indoctrination revealed.

    “but the guardians of public school prison have made it necessary for the protection of our children.”

    The sad truth is that parents sending their kids to public schools are not protecting them, they are exposing them. Education has taken a back seat to indoctrination and this is clearly by design. And it’s not just about matters of race, sex, and gender, it is about rejecting the old (religion, tradition, personal agency in one’s own life) and embracing a new way of thinking involving social equity and subservience governmental authority (including teachers) that they know better in all things involving health and social welfare.

  7. I am so glad that there were no cell phones, personal computers, other electronics available when I was growing up back in the 60’s and 70’s. We actually had to learn the old-fashioned way and had minimal distractions unlike today where everyone has an electronic umbilical cord permanently attached to them. And we had real friends, a lot who became lifelong friends rather than superficial fake book friends who bail out on you if you hold the wrong opinion about things. And we actually had to make friends, a friend at church years ago said a friend is a person whose needs you meet, unlike nowadays where anyone will be your friend if they agree with you on everything. I am still John the Barbarian from Brave New World and will always be so contrary to how the rest of the world thinks, says or does.


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