Cenk Uygur: Trump beats Hillary in November – IOTW Report

Cenk Uygur: Trump beats Hillary in November

CFP:   Is a pattern emerging? Conservative media figures and NeverTrumpers are spreading doom and gloom (fairly convincingly) about Republican prospects in November while notable figures on the left are forecasting a Trump victory.

What’s the deal?

Hardcore leftist Michael Moore recently said Hillary Clinton has no chance of beating Donald Trump.

Now another hard-left pitbull, Cenk Uygur, host of “The Young Turks,” says much the same thing.


SNIP: Watch the  Cenk Uygur Freak-Out Meltdown!     From Louder with Crowder.

14 Comments on Cenk Uygur: Trump beats Hillary in November

  1. Rush posed the same question – these nevertrump people along with the RINOs coming out against Trump this week were never going to vote for Trump. They told us 500 different times last year. So why are they acting so worried and concerned that are renouncing Trump again and acting like this is some agonizing thing to see him losing ground in all the polls? Shouldn’t they all be celebrating and doing the I told you so dance?! Something isn’t right. Also Costa on Charlie Rose said the one thing that we don’t know is how many disenfranchised voters that usually never show up at the polls are going to show up this year for Trump. If that happens, which seeing the crowds might be a possibility, the bitch is toast.

  2. Anon, it’s called the monster vote, and it’s very real! Based on the numbers seen in the primaries, Trump should get more than 73 million votes in this fall’s election. That’s about 7 million more votes than Obama got in 2008! Just look at the pathetic crowds Killery is drawing in comparison to the massive crowds Trump pulls. And remember that voter enthusiasm wins national elections. IT’S. NOT. EVEN. CLOSE!

  3. What the F is a Cenk? The Parody was damn funny. I’ve met some big boned Libs that think they’re all bad ass and they react just like that. Hard to have a conversation with somebody that’s screaming.

  4. The big “IF” hinges on Trump not scuttling himself. For the love of GOd; he needs to hammer on Hillary and let the rest of those willing to fight (Giuliani, the Newt, Allen West and so many more) take care of the hired guns.

    I fear trump’s ego won’t let him. There is no place to move to if Hillary wins this thing.

  5. I have that coming up in 10 mins, Brad.
    I cracked up at how she looked like a deer in headlights and the way the SS were practically hugging her and stroking her hair… “It’s okay.. it’s okay… we’re here…”

  6. MJA, I think she spotted. I almost felt sorry for her for about a millisecond. I’m thinking I’d like a stronger hand on the wheel of the most powerful nation in the world. Makes you wonder if that’s what happened during Benghazi.PANICK

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