Censored video re-emerges of Jacob Chansley reading Trump’s tweet, telling protestors to go home and remain peaceful – IOTW Report

Censored video re-emerges of Jacob Chansley reading Trump’s tweet, telling protestors to go home and remain peaceful


h/t Chief Nerd

10 Comments on Censored video re-emerges of Jacob Chansley reading Trump’s tweet, telling protestors to go home and remain peaceful

  1. Whut kills me is that democRATz will stand there and tell us with straight faces that they never had access to this video… video that they HELD ON TO AND RESTRICTED from Jason’s lawyer and the public!!

  2. TRF, if they never had access to the video then all their convictions have been on hearsay with little physical evidence.
    Doesn’t pass the smell test does it.

  3. TRF
    MARCH 11, 2023 AT 9:33 AM
    -We all knew it was pure Bullshit, but rarely do we ever get CONCRETE PROOF that they are COMPLETE LYING SACKS OF SHIT!
    That’s why this is epic!-

    But what are we going to DO about it?

    Same thing we do EVERY time, Pinkey.


  4. Since there is access granted, this CPU reqs all video feeds tracking the locations of ANY person that discharged a firearm inside the Capitol, 5 minutes of before and after any such shooting that occurred on that day.

    To which Port does this request need to knock?

  5. Hope Porn Anonymous – But what are we going to DO about it?

    Great question! I don’t know ( I don’t have a Senator in my pocket) but I do feel that we are one step closer… certainly Jacob Chansley and his lawyer do. If nothing else the people can clearly see (if they want to) that the government is thoroughly corrupt along with their Complicit, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media!


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